1.1.1 • Published 10 months ago

@e2fy/effy-crypto v1.1.1

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10 months ago


The Effy Crypto lib for hash password, encrypt data or generate jwt\ You can use it if you want 😉




  npm install @e2fy/effy-crypto


  yarn install @e2fy/effy-crypto


  pnpm install @e2fy/effy-crypto

Libs used

this lib is just functions for simplify some libs usages\ i use zod for function parameters typeguard,\ jsonwebtoken for the jwt,\ crypto-js for encryption and SHA512\ and argon2 for password hashing

packages use in the lib


Passwords tools

Password tools are simplify hashing and verifying password

hashPassword has 1 parameter:

a string ( the password you need to hash ) example :

const password = "aBeautifullStrongPassword";

const hashedPassword = await hashPassword({ password });
// $argon2id$v=19$m=65536,t=3,p=4$poNY2cob9I/uVErpjW9T9w$6nF1rLoJjucA2RihlfxyMbYxA/q0NNxsD6R4Rnf8Vi4
// should be different every time argon2id use random salt

verifyPassword has 1 parameter:

an object with 2 props :

  hashedPassword: string; // a string of an hashed password
  password: string; // the password you need to verify

example :

await verifyPassword({ hashedPassword, password });

Encryption tools

Encryption tools are for simplify data encryption decryption

getSecretKey has 1 parameter:

a string ( a password for example )

example :

const keyForEncryptData = getSecretKey(password);
// 123659a4c51aec9ca8b013b9845aeb9bffc080b67810da016077f30cc1618a3f08da1d29ff15267522a50d9d804af4264af7c8218bc840a95283b1861167c165

    getSecretKey hash your string to sha512 for make a stronger key for encryption 
    with the same input you get the same output, you just need the string you used 
    for recover your key ( like a password for exemple )

    you can just use a simple string for encrypt your data but i recommend to use the getSecretKey function
    that will give you a stronger key for your data 

    and of course more complex is the string used in getSecretKey better it is 

encryptData has 1 parameter:

an object with 2 props:

  data: any; // the data you need to encrypt
  secretKey: string; // the secretKey needed later for decrypt

example :

const mySecretData = { data: "secret" };
const encryptedData = encryptData({
  data: mySecretData,
  secretKey: keyForEncryptData,
// U2FsdGVkX1/pB/wXCxDFbr8MyQBLae895+L9kB88z418ihYVbzHw+wCpa8YRqXxn

decryptData has 1 parameter:

an object with 2 props:

  encryptedData: string; // the data you encrypted
  secretKey: string; // the string key you use for encrypt

example :

decryptData({ encryptedData, secretKey: keyForEncryptData });
// { data: 'secret' }

And if you change your password ? 🤔\ use changeSecretKey

changeSecretKey has 1 parameter:

an object with 3 props:

  oldKey: string; // the old key use for encryption
  newKey: string; // the new key you want to use
  encryptedData: string; // the encrypted data with old key

example :

const newPassword = "aBeautifullStrongNewPassword";
const newKeyForEncryptData = getSecretKey(newPassword);

const encryptedWithNewPasswordData = changeSecretKey({
  oldKey: keyForEncryptData,
  newKey: newKeyForEncryptData,
// U2FsdGVkX19/zDP5YJbrEcPYnjCy+Zin8Asi5GMDCZAzR+F1H5MLaBqDE9AGf/AQ

// the old password will no longer work

try {
    encryptedData: encryptedWithNewPasswordData,
    secretKey: keyForEncryptData,
} catch {
  // this will trow an EffyCryptoError

  encryptedData: encryptedWithNewPasswordData,
  secretKey: newKeyForEncryptData,
// { data: 'secret' }

JWT tools

JWT tools are for simplify JWT usage like use auth and refresh token, sign token, verify token etc..

createTokenTool has 1 parameter:

an object with 2 props:

  secretString: string; // secretString use for JWT
  expireIn: string; // the expiration of token

⚠️ expireIn is a string of jwt expire type\ for more informations check jsonwebtoken doc

createTokenTool return an object with 2 props :

    sign: (payload: any) => string // create a JWT
    verify: (jwt: string) => { iat: number, exp: number, data: any } // a JWT made with sign function verifier

example :

const userUid = "382e3138-086f-11ee-be56-0242ac120002";

const { sign, verify } = createTokenTool("theSecretJwtString", "1h");
// create a verify and sign function with a secretKey and 1h expiration

const jwt = sign({ userUid });

        data: { userUid: '382e3138-086f-11ee-be56-0242ac120002' },
        iat: 1686498573,
        exp: 1686502173

createAuthAndRefreshToken has 1 parameters:

an object with 4 props :

  authExpireIn: string; // the expiration of authToken
  authSecretString: string; // secretString use for auth JWT
  refreshExpireIn: string; // the expiration of refreshToken
  refreshSecretString: string; // secretString use for refresh JWT

createAuthAndRefreshToken return an object with 2 props :

  auth: TokenTool; // a token tool for authToken
  refresh: TokenTool; // a token tool for refreshToken

example :

const { auth, refresh } = createAuthAndRefreshToken({
  authExpireIn: "1h",
  authSecretString: "authSecret",
  refreshExpireIn: "24h",
  refreshSecretString: "refreshSecret",

// is just return auth and refresh that are two TokenTools functions

refreshingToken has 1 parameter :

an object with 4 props:

  refreshToken: string; // the Refresh token string
  authTokenTools: TokenTool; // the auth TokenTool
  refreshTokenTools: TokenTool; // the refresh TokenTool
  authTokenPayload: any: // the refreshed auth jwt payload

createAuthAndRefreshToken return an object with 2 props :

  isJwtValid: boolean;
  token?: string; // the auth refreshed token
  error?: Error; // the error in token refreshing

example :

const refreshToken = refresh.sign();

const newAuthToken = refreshingToken({
  refreshToken: refreshToken,
  authTokenTools: auth,
  refreshTokenTools: refresh,
  authTokenPayload: { userUid },
        isJwtValid: true,
        token: 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7InVzZXJVaWQiOiIzODJlMzEzOC0wODZmLTExZWUtYmU1Ni0wMjQyYWMxMjAwMDIifSwiaWF0IjoxNjg2NDk5Njg3LCJleHAiOjE2ODY1MDMyODd9.zRvcy449XQr0TSwSE42BUOiBUVHMOf98UDH7gqpEYD4'

if (newAuthToken.isJwtValid) {
        data: { userUid: '382e3138-086f-11ee-be56-0242ac120002' },
        iat: 1686499687,
        exp: 1686503287


All functions can throw an EffyCryptoError \ EffyCryptoError have message, errorType props and can have zodErrors or unknownError also

Their is multiples errorType:

  • 'Bad parameters' throw when function parameters are bad
  • 'Unknown error' throw when a an unknown error append in function

One more thing

all schema method have safe equivalent:

safe will return:

{ success: boolean, data: /*if success*/, error: /*if error*/ }

⚠️ all non safe method can trow an error

safe methods and equivalent:

  • hashPassword => safeHashPassword
  • verifyPassword => safeVerifyPassword
  • encryptData => safeEncryptData
  • decryptData => safeDecryptData
  • changeSecretKey => safeChangeSecretKey
  • createTokenTool => safeCreateTokenTool
  • createAuthAndRefreshToken => safeCreateAuthAndRefreshToken
  • refreshingToken => safeRefreshingToken

they all take same paramaters than the non safe equivalent


  • test refactorisation
  • types refactorisation

and the future will say more


10 months ago


10 months ago


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11 months ago