@e9x/cloudflare v1.0.6
This package allows you to easily work with Cloudflare APIs.
Although basic, typedefs are important for reliability and understanding of what a client is doing.
This library is intended for projects using TypeScript and ESM.
- Provide a lightweight library with minimal dependencies.
- Provide a wrapper that satisfies how Cloudflare returns errors and processes requests.
- Provide several stubs for the latest Cloudflare API (Zones, DNS, Rules).
- Extendability
If an API stub is missing some fields or you feel like some interfaces are missing, you can add them locally and create a PR.
// Add 'missingField'
declare module "@e9x/cloudflare/v4" {
interface Zone {
missingField: boolean;
Request API
export default class Cloudflare {
constructor({ key, email }: { key: string; email: string });
/** Send a GET request */
get<ResponseType>(api: string): Promise<ResponseType>;
/** Send a DELETE request */
delete<ResponseType>(api: string): Promise<ResponseType>;
/** Send a POST request */
post<ResponseType, BodyType = unknown>(
api: string,
body?: BodyType
): Promise<ResponseType>;
/** Send a PATCH request */
patch<ResponseType, BodyType = unknown>(
api: string,
body?: BodyType
): Promise<ResponseType>;
/** Send a PUT request */
put<ResponseType, BodyType = unknown>(
api: string,
body?: BodyType
): Promise<ResponseType>;
The body
parameter of post, patch, and put are JSON-stringifyable objects that are stringified and used as the request body. The type parameter for body may be manually specified to be more strictly typed. See Add a DNS record.
The api
parameter of all methods is a URL relative that originates from https://api.cloudflare.com/client/. The URL is resolved using the built-in URL class. The following URLs are valid examples:
Try to keep your API urls simple.
V4 typedefs may be explored in the .d.ts
Import a type
import type { Zone } from "@e9x/cloudflare/v4";
Import the library
import Cloudflare from "@e9x/cloudflare";
Create an instance
const cf = new Cloudflare({
key: "API key",
email: "API email",
List all zones in account
import { listAllZones } from "@e9x/cloudflare/v4";
// ...
for await (const zone of listAllZones(cf)) console.log(zone); // { id: ..., name: ... }
Update some zone settings
await cf.patch(`v4/zones/${zone.id}/settings/always_use_https`, {
value: "on",
await cf.patch(`v4/zones/${zone.id}/settings/ssl`, {
value: "full",
Add a DNS record
await cf.post<DNSRecord, AddDNSRecord>(`v4/zones/${zone.id}/dns_records`, {
type: "A",
name: `www.${zone.name}`,
content: "",
ttl: 1,
List zone DNS records (validate the above worked)
const records = await cf.get<DNSRecord[]>(`v4/zones/${zone.id}/dns_records`);