1.0.3 • Published 2 years ago

@easycrud/koa-router-crud v1.0.3

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Last release
2 years ago


A koa-router extension for constructing CRUD router simply.


Table of Contents


npm install koa-router-crud


Transform the table definition schema into RESTful style CRUD routers of koa.
Basic example: the user.json will be transformed into the following routers:

  • GET /all_users[?username=xxx] get all users without pagination.
  • GET /users?page=1&pageSize=10[&username=xxx] get users with pagination.
  • GET /users/:id get a user by id.
  • POST /users create a user.
  • PUT /users/:id update a user by id.
  • DELETE /users/:id delete a user by id.

The first two routers can be appended query parameters to filter the result.

  • fuzzy search: column=value
  • range search: column=value1,value2 (column>=value1 and column<=value2)

Quick Start

import * as Koa from 'koa';
import * as Router from 'koa-router';
import * as Crud from '@easycrud/koa-router-crud';

const app = new Koa();
const router = new Router();
const crud = new Crud({
  path: __dirname + '/../schemas',
  dbConfig: {
    client: 'mysql',
    connection: {
      host: '',
      port: 3306,
      user: 'root',
      password: '123456',
      database: 'localdb',
      timezone: '+08:00',
      dateStrings: true,
}, router);

crud.build(app).then((router) => {


Main Dependencies

  • koa - The application building framework.
  • koa-router - The router construction base.
  • koa-body - A request body parser middleware.
  • knex.js - An SQL query builder to help operate databases.
  • @easycrud/toolkits - Provide a Parser to output standard table model objects.

API Reference


Kind: Exported class

new Crud([opts], Router)

Create a new Crud instance. If Router is not provided, a new Router instance will be created.


  • path (String) - directory or file path that pass to the Parser. The parsed table models will be stored in crud.tables.
  • tables (Array) - table models defined using standard table definition. If path is provided, tables will be ignored.
  • dbConfig (Object|Array) - knex configuration options that will be used for establishing database connections before the application start.
    *If more than one dbConfig is provided, the value of dbConfig.database and [table].options.database must be guaranteed equal.
  • routerConfig (Object) - A configuration object with table name as key to customize the generated routers.
  • getUserAuth (Function) - (context: Router.RouterContext) => string A function to get the authorization value related to current user and the value is used for verifying row-level authorization.
  • koaBodyOptions (Object) - koa-body options that will be passed to koa-body middleware.

Customize routers

Set primary key

If the table does not have a primary key, it can be set manually.

const routerConfig = {
  // customize the router for the table `user`
  'user': {
    'primaryKey': 'id',

Additionally, a composite primary key can be set as

const routerConfig = {
  // customize the router for the table `user`
  'user': {
    'primaryKey': ['username', 'email'],

And the GET /users/:pk router will be changed to GET /users/row?username=:username&email=:email.

Custom router

The default corresponding handler methods to the routers are:

  • GET /all_[tablename] - all
  • GET /[tablename] - paginate
  • GET /tablename/:id - show
  • POST /tablename - store
  • PUT /tablename/:id - edit
  • DELETE /tablename/:id - destory

Change the default router like this:

const routerConfig = {
  // customize the router for the table `user`
  'user': {
    'operates': {
      // Change the default router, 'all|paginate|show|store|edit|destory'
      'all': {
        // set the http method, 'get|post|put|delete|patch'
        'method': 'get',
        // change the default path
        'path': '',
        // add some middlewares before the handler
        'middlewares': [],
        // change the default handler
        'handler': (dao) => {
            // The parameter `dao` is a `Dao` instance. It provide some help functions to operate the database.
            return async (ctx, next) => {
                // do something
      // Add a new router
      'auth': {
        'method': 'get',
        'path': 'auth',
        'middlewares': [],
        'handler': (dao) => {
            return async (ctx, next) => {
                // do something

Overwrite router

If the overwrite property is set to true, only the router defined in operates remain and the default router will be removed.

const routerConfig = {
  // customize the router for the table `user`
  'user': {
    'overwrite': true,
    'operates': {
      // ...

Construct database connections and build the api routers, returning a Router instance.

crud.build(app).then((router) => {
  // Register the router and start the application
  // after the databases are connected and the routers are built.


Row-Level Authorization

const getUserAuth = (ctx) => {
  // Get the authorization value related to current user
  return ctx.state.user.id;

Set rowAuth options of the table definition schema.

    "options": {
        "rowAuth": {
            "column": "user_id",
            // Operations that require authorization.
            "operates": ["read", "create", "update", "delete"]


Get all records from the table.

  • params: the query object get from ctx.query used for filtering data.

Get paginated records from the table.

Get a record by primary key.

  • pk: the primary key-value pair. {pkCol: pkVal}
  • auth: the value of row authorization column. {authCol: authVal}

Delete a record by primary key.

Create a new record.

  • data: the data to be created get from ctx.request.body.data.

Update a record by primary key.

  • pk: the primary key-value pair. {pkCol: pkVal}
  • data: the data to be updated get from ctx.request.body.data.
  • auth: the value of row authorization column. {authCol: authVal}


ctx.reply({ id: 1 });
ctx.reply({ err: { code: 404, message: 'not found' } });

Return the standard data.

    "code": 0,
    "msg": "success",
    "data": {}