1.0.2 • Published 3 years ago
@elementfi/elf-council-tokenlist v1.0.2
The Council Tokenlist for Element
To install this repo as a dependency on another repo, you'll need to follow these steps in that repo.
- Run
npm install git+https://github.com/element-fi/elf-council-tokenlist.git
- Since this repo is not an npm package yet, add this script to package.json to stay up-to-date with the latest version.
"scripts": {
"update-elf-council-tokenlist": "npm install git+https://github.com/element-fi/elf-council-tokenlist.git"
To setup this repo you need to run the following:
npm ci
You'll also need to add api keys listed in elf.default.env to your local elf.env file.
Deploying a new term
When a new term is deployed in the elf-deploy repo, run this command to regenerate the tokenlist:
# build the new tokenlists
npm run build
Once complete, commit all file changes and submit a PR to main
Any project that wants the latest tokenlist will now need to update their dependency on this repo. See below for handy script that makes upgrading easy for consumers.
3 years ago