2.8.0 • Published 3 years ago
@elementfi/tokenlist v2.8.0
The Tokenlist for Element.finance
npm install @elementfi/tokenlist
To setup this repo you need to run the following:
npm ci
You'll also need to add api keys listed in elf.default.env to your local elf.env file.
Usage Examples
List the open principal tokens
This is how to get a list of currently open principal tokens.
import { ElementTokenTag, mainnetTokenList } from "@elementfi/tokenlist";
// Get the list of principal tokens that have not yet reached maturity
const principalTokens = mainnetTokenList.tokens
(token) => token.tags?.includes(ElementTokenTag.PRINCIPAL)
(token) => token.extensions.unlockTimestamp > Date.now() * 1000
Developer Config
To build this repo you need to configure some env variables. For linux and mac run the following:
- Copy
cp elf.default.env elf.env
- Update elf.env with your alchemy api key
- Source the env file
source elf.env
Building the tokenlist
To build a new version of the token list, run:
npm run build
This will build for both mainnet & goerli, create the tokenlist, and copy the files to dist/
Publishing tokenlist
To release and publish the new token list:
First create a new version commit using npm:
npm version major|minor|patch # this will create a git commit
Then push up the changes to Github:
git push
git push --tags
Then in GH:
- Go to tags
- Click the ellipses to the far right of the new tag and click "Create release"
- On the new release, click "Auto-generate release notes" (edit the description if needed)
- Click "Publish release"
- Check the Actions tab to monitor the build and publish progress.