0.5.0 • Published 1 year ago

@eloquent/austenite v0.5.0

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1 year ago


Declarative environment variables for Node.js.

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// env.ts - declares everything needed from the environment
import { boolean, url } from "@eloquent/austenite";

export const cdnUrl = url("CDN_URL", "CDN to use when serving static assets");
export const isDebug = boolean(
  "enable or disable debugging features",
  { default: false }
// run.ts - starts the service/app, uses declarations from above
import { initialize } from "@eloquent/austenite";
import { cdnUrl, isDebug } from "./env.ts";

initialize(); // validates the environment

// cdnUrl.value() is a URL
console.log(`CDN URL hostname is ${cdnUrl.value().hostname}`);

// isDebug.value() is a boolean
console.log(`Debug mode is ${isDebug.value() ? "enabled" : "disabled"}`);

Validation summaries

If the environment is invalid, calling initialize() will terminate the process with a non-zero exit code, and output a table that describes what went wrong:

Environment Variables:

❯ CDN_URL                     CDN to use when serving static assets         <URL>                                  ✗ set to host.example.org, must be a URL
❯ DEBUG                       enable or disable debugging features          true | false                           ✗ set to yes, expected true or false
❯ EARTH_ATOM_COUNT            number of atoms on earth                      <big integer>                          ✗ set to 5.9722e24, must be a big integer
❯ GRPC_TIMEOUT                gRPC request timeout                          <ISO 8601 duration>                    ✗ set to 10S, must be an ISO 8601 duration
❯ LOG_LEVEL                   the minimum log level to record               debug | info | warn | error | fatal    ✗ set to silly, expected debug, info, warn, error, or fatal
❯ READ_DSN                    database connection string for read-models    <string>                               ✗ undefined
❯ REDIS_PRIMARY_SERVICE_HOST  kubernetes `redis-primary` service host       <hostname>                             ✗ set to .redis.example.org, must not begin or end with a dot
❯ REDIS_PRIMARY_SERVICE_PORT  kubernetes `redis-primary` service port       <port number>                          ✗ set to 65536, must be between 1 and 65535
❯ SAMPLE_RATIO                ratio of requests to sample                   <number>                               ✗ set to 1/100, must be numeric
❯ WEIGHT                      weighting for this node                       <integer>                              ✗ set to 123.456, must be an integer

Generated environment specifications

If the environment variable AUSTENITE_SPEC is set to true, calling initialize() will terminate the process with a zero exit code, and output a Markdown document containing a specification of the environment variables consumed by each declaration.

See ENVIRONMENT.md for example output



import { bigInteger } from "@eloquent/austenite";

// required
export const earthAtomCount = bigInteger(
  "number of atoms on earth"

// optional
export const earthAtomCount = bigInteger(
  "number of atoms on earth",
  { default: undefined }

// default
export const earthAtomCount = bigInteger(
  "number of atoms on earth",
  { default: 5972200000000000000000000n }


import { boolean } from "@eloquent/austenite";

// required
export const isDebug = boolean("DEBUG", "enable or disable debugging features");

// optional
export const isDebug = boolean(
  "enable or disable debugging features",
  { default: undefined }

// default
export const isDebug = boolean(
  "enable or disable debugging features",
  { default: false }

// custom literals
export const isDebug = boolean(
  "enable or disable debugging features",
    literals: {
      y: true,
      yes: true,
      n: false,
      no: false,


import { duration } from "@eloquent/austenite";
import { Temporal } from "@js-temporal/polyfill";

// required
export const grpcTimeout = duration("GRPC_TIMEOUT", "gRPC request timeout");

// optional
export const grpcTimeout = duration("GRPC_TIMEOUT", "gRPC request timeout", {
  default: undefined,

// default
export const grpcTimeout = duration("GRPC_TIMEOUT", "gRPC request timeout", {
  default: Temporal.Duration.from({ milliseconds: 10 }),


import { enumeration } from "@eloquent/austenite";

const members = {
  debug: { value: "debug", description: "show information for developers" },
  info: { value: "info", description: "standard log messages" },
  warn: {
    value: "warn",
    description: "important, but don't need individual human review",
  error: {
    value: "error",
    description: "a healthy application shouldn't produce any errors",
  fatal: { value: "fatal", description: "the application cannot proceed" },
} as const;

// required
export const logLevel = enumeration(
  "the minimum log level to record",

// optional
export const logLevel = enumeration(
  "the minimum log level to record",
  { default: undefined }

// default
export const logLevel = enumeration(
  "the minimum log level to record",
  { default: "error" }


import { integer } from "@eloquent/austenite";

// required
export const weight = integer("WEIGHT", "weighting for this node");

// optional
export const weight = integer("WEIGHT", "weighting for this node", {
  default: undefined,

// default
export const weight = integer("WEIGHT", "weighting for this node", {
  default: 123,


import { kubernetesAddress } from "@eloquent/austenite";

// required
export const redisPrimary = kubernetesAddress("redis-primary");

// optional
export const redisPrimary = kubernetesAddress("redis-primary", {
  default: undefined,

// default
export const redisPrimary = kubernetesAddress("redis-primary", {
  default: {
    host: "redis.example.org",
    port: 6379,


import { networkPortNumber } from "@eloquent/austenite";

// required
export const port = networkPortNumber(
  "listen port for the HTTP server"

// optional
export const port = networkPortNumber(
  "listen port for the HTTP server",
    default: undefined,

// default
export const port = networkPortNumber(
  "listen port for the HTTP server",
    default: 8080,


import { number } from "@eloquent/austenite";

// required
export const sampleRatio = number(
  "ratio of requests to sample"

// optional
export const sampleRatio = number(
  "ratio of requests to sample",
  { default: undefined }

// default
export const sampleRatio = number(
  "ratio of requests to sample",
  { default: 0.01 }


import { string } from "@eloquent/austenite";

// required
export const readDsn = string(
  "database connection string for read-models"

// optional
export const readDsn = string(
  "database connection string for read-models",
  { default: undefined }

// default
export const readDsn = string(
  "database connection string for read-models",
  { default: "host=localhost dbname=readmodels user=projector" }


import { url } from "@eloquent/austenite";

// required
export const cdnUrl = url("CDN_URL", "CDN to use when serving static assets");

// optional
export const cdnUrl = url("CDN_URL", "CDN to use when serving static assets", {
  default: undefined,

// default
export const cdnUrl = url("CDN_URL", "CDN to use when serving static assets", {
  default: new URL("https://host.example.org/path/to/resource"),

// limit to specified protocol(s)
export const cdnUrl = url("CDN_URL", "CDN to use when serving static assets", {
  protocols: ["https"],

// resolve against a base URL
export const cdnUrl = url("CDN_URL", "CDN to use when serving static assets", {
  base: new URL("https://host.example.org/path/to/base"),

See also

This package is heavily inspired by Ferrite, which provides similar features for Go.


1 year ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago