0.1.3 • Published 3 months ago

@enalmada/next-gql v0.1.3

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Last release
3 months ago


Graphql is the gold standard for client server communication, yet it is a significant investment in connecting technologies. This project aims to:

  • provide sensible defaults and opinions for immediate production ready start
  • allow access to underlying technologies for advanced configuration (no lock in)

Underlying Technology Stack


bun install graphql next-gql

How to use

Schema Building

Next-GQL provides helper functions for Pothos.

1) initialize schema builder

// server/graphql/builder.ts
import { type User } from '@/server/db/schema';
import { initializeBuilder, type DefaultScalars } from '@enalmada/next-gql/server';
import SchemaBuilder from '@pothos/core';
import WithInputPlugin from '@pothos/plugin-with-input';

export interface MyContextType {
  currentUser: User;

type DefaultUserSchemaTypes = DefaultScalars & { Context: MyContextType };

export const builder = new SchemaBuilder<DefaultUserSchemaTypes>({ plugins: [WithInputPlugin] });


2) use the builder to create client interfaces

// server/task/task.model.ts
import { type Task, type TaskInput } from '@/server/db/schema';
import { builder } from '@/server/graphql/builder';
import TaskService, { type TasksInput } from '@/server/task/task.service';

export const TaskType = builder.objectRef<Task>('Task');

  fields: (t) => ({
    id: t.exposeID('id'),
    title: t.expose('title', {
      type: 'NonEmptyString',

builder.queryField('task', (t) =>
    type: TaskType,
    args: {
      id: t.arg.id({ required: true }),
    nullable: true,
    resolve: async (_root, args, ctx) => {
      return new TaskService().task(ctx.currentUser, args.id as string, ctx);

Graphql Server

Next-GQL provides a wrapper around graphql yoga.

1) initialize graphql server

// src/server/graphql/server.ts
import User from "./UserType"
import { makeServer } from '@enalmada/next-gql/server';

export async function handleCreateOrGetUser(req: NextRequest): Promise<User | null> {
    // function that takes in request and returns optional User

export interface MyContextType {
  currentUser: User;

function logError(message: string) {
  const log = new Logger();
  // TODO await seems to cause trouble for yoga
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call

export function graphqlServer(graphqlEndpoint: string) {
  return makeServer<User>({
    cors: {
      origin: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_REDIRECT_URL,

2) Create api route /api/graphql

// src/app/api/route.ts
import { type NextRequest } from 'next/server';
import { graphqlServer } from '@/server/graphql/server';

const { handleRequest } = graphqlServer('/api/graphql');

export const GET = (request: NextRequest) => {
  return handleRequest(request, { context: (request: NextRequest) => ({ request }) });

export const POST = (request: NextRequest) => {
  return handleRequest(request, { context: (request: NextRequest) => ({ request }) });

Graphql Client

Next-gql provides urql wrapper with sane defaults and best practices. See urql documentation for any configuration options desired beyond the defaults.

  1. Define client query
// @/client/gql/queries-mutations
import { gql } from '@urql/core';

export const MY_TASKS = gql`
  query MyTasks {
    me {
      tasks {
  1. Setup cache for query objects. Normalized cache is worth a read to understand why we define createTask and deleteTask mutation functions. TLDR: automatically add and remove entities from the cache. from the cache.
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
'use client';

import { type MyTasksQuery, type Task } from '@/client/gql/generated/graphql';
import schema from '@/client/gql/generated/schema.json';
import { MY_TASKS } from '@/client/gql/queries-mutations';
import {
  type Cache,
  type CacheExchangeOptions,
} from '@enalmada/next-gql/client/urql/cacheExchange';

const userDefinedConfig: CacheExchangeOptions = {
  updates: {
    Mutation: {
      createTask(result: { createTask: Task }, _args: any, cache: Cache) {
        cache.updateQuery({ query: MY_TASKS }, (data: MyTasksQuery | null) => {
          if (result && data?.me?.tasks) {
            const updatedTasks = [...data.me.tasks, result.createTask];
            return { ...data, me: { ...data.me, tasks: updatedTasks } };
          return data;
      deleteTask(_result: any, args: { id: string }, cache: Cache) {
        cache.updateQuery({ query: MY_TASKS }, (data: MyTasksQuery | null) => {
          if (data?.me?.tasks) {
            const updatedTasks = data.me.tasks.filter((task) => task.id !== args.id);
            return { ...data, me: { ...data.me, tasks: updatedTasks } };
          return data;

export const cacheExchange = createCacheExchange(userDefinedConfig);
  1. Setup provider in layout (or any wrapper providing cookies, isLoggedIn status)
// layout.tsx
import React from 'react';
import { cookies } from 'next/headers';
import { UrqlWrapper as NextGqlProvider } from '@enalmada/next-gql/client/urql/UrqlWrapper';
import { cacheExchange } from '@/client/gql/cacheExchange';

export async function Layout({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
  const cookie = cookies().toString();
  const url = process.env.URL + '/api/graphql';
  return (
  1. use queries
import { useQuery } from '@enalmada/next-gql';
import { type MyTasksQuery, type Task } from '@/client/gql/generated/graphql';
import { MY_TASKS } from '@/client/gql/queries-mutations';

const [{ data, error }] = useQuery<MyTasksQuery>({ query: MY_TASKS });


  • types are kept in sync with codegen
  • it is important to have a root loading.tsx which provides a final fallback suspense. Without this, infinite querying can happen.


Graphql Client

  • improve imports so they don't refer to UrqlWrapper (temp fix to get 'use client' to work)
  • figure out how to export gql tag correctly


  • codegen bundling

Graphql Server

  • consider making api endpoint automatic through middleware.

Schema Builder

  • move SchemaBuilder and options to next-gql module (they have sideEffects)


  • replace manual 'use client' hack once bun plugins supports onEnd


To Graphql

  • Server Actions - really cool how you can skip api layer.
  • tRPC - t3 stack is a great starting point. Consider up front eventual need for real api for mobile, etc.


  • Apollo Client - started with this but wanted something with smaller dependency size.


  • Apollo Server - started with this but wanted something code splittable.


Using changesets so please remember to run "changeset" with any PR that might be interesting to people on an older template.

Development Workflow

Unfortunately bun link seems to have trouble with graphql. This is the current workaround: In module, run 'bun lint:fix && bun run build:pack` In application, run 'bun uninstall @enalmada/next-gql && bun install file:/next-gql/enalmada-next-gql-.tgz'