0.1.0 • Published 4 months ago

@enderer/async-iter v0.1.0

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4 months ago

Async Iter

A helper library for working with async iterables in JavaScipt


npm install async-iter



Wraps an AsyncIterable so that when a record is fetched the next one is immediately requested. This can be used to eliminate latency by waiting on the next page of data while the previous one is being processed. This will only request one record at a time and will never make multiple concurrent calls.


items: AsyncIterable<T> Async list if items

returns AsyncIterable<T> Async list of items where 1 record is always pre-requested


import { fetchNext } from 'async-iter';

const pages: AsyncIterable<MyData> = loadFromServer(...);
const prefetched = fetchNext(pages);

for await (const page of prefetched) {
  await writeData(page);

// Without pre-fetching there is a lot of latency
// Load   1===     2===      3===      4===      5===
// Write       1===     2===      3===      4===      5===

// Pre-fetching removes latency
// Load 1=== 2=== 3=== 4=== 5=== 6=== 7=== 8=== 9===
// Save      1=== 2=== 3=== 4=== 5=== 6=== 7=== 8=== 9===

For most scenarios you will only need to pre-load one page. However if you'd like to buffer mulitple pages you can do so by pipe-ing fetchNext to itself multiple times. Calls will still be made sequentially so you will never have multiple concurrent calls pending, but it will continue attempting to load additional pages into memory until the minimum is met.

import { fetchNext } from 'async-iter';
import { pipe } from 'ramda';

// Fetch up to 3 pages of data and hold in memory
const fetch3 = pipe(fetchNext, fetchNext, fetchNext);

const pages = loadFromServer(...);
const prefetched = fetch3(pages);

for await (const page of prefetched) {
  await writeData(page);

This is not an optimized approach so it should be limited to a few calls. If you need to buffer many objects you are probably better off implementing a custom Stream.


4 months ago