1.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

@entando/fpg v1.1.0

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5 years ago

Frontend Project Generator

this npx script generates frontend projects for entando.

the given commands are available:

  • npx @entando/fpg ab-app <appName>: generates an app-builder app.
  • npx @entando/fpg react-widget <name>: generates a react widget.

Extending fpg

fpg can be used to generate any frontend project and can easily be extended to add different blueprints.

add the new boilerplate in the boilerplates directory.

a new directory has to be created and it should contain all the files that are going to be copied when generating the empty project.

add the new command in commander using as an example the ab-app command

  .description('generates an app-builder app')
  .action((app) => {
    Log.title('app-builder app generator').section('create app structure');
    const appDirName = nameResolver.getDirName(app);
    const appName = nameResolver.getAppName(app);
    const boilerplateDir = `${__dirname}/boilerplates/app-builder-app`;

    createDirectory(appDirName, appName);
    createPackage(app, appDirName, boilerplateDir);

    bpGenerator.createBoilerplate(appDirName, boilerplateDir);
    replacePlaceholders(appDirName, appName, boilerplateDir);

    Log.section('install dependencies');
    execSync('npm install', { stdio: [0, 1, 2], cwd: appDirName });
    Log.section('install peer dependencies');
    execSync('npx npm-install-peers', { stdio: [0, 1, 2], cwd: appDirName });
    Log.empty().success('you can now run the app with `npm start`');

several utilities are used within the command:


returns a kebab case version of the given name, removing any @ prefix.


@entando/whatever -> entando-whatever


returns the app name without the vendor scope.


@entando/whatever -> whatever

createDirectory(dirName, appName)

creates in the cwd a directory with the given dirName. appName is just used to display information with Log.

createPackage(app, dirName, boilerplateDir)

creates the package.json file replacing the name property with the value of app. this function copies the file package inside the boilerplate directory and renames it package.json

dirName is the path of the directory created by createDirectory(). boilerplateDir is the path of the boilerplate directory of the generated project.

bpGenerator.createBoilerplate(dirName, boilerplateDir, additionalPaths = [])

copies over the boilerplate files from the boilerplate directory to the project directory. dirName is the path of the directory created by createDirectory(). boilerplateDir is the path of the boilerplate directory of the generated project. paths is an array of paths of files / directories that need to be copied over. Each path should be relative to boilerplateDir. If the files need to be renamed an object can be passed instead:

  { 'gitignore': '.gitignore' },

the given files and directories are being copied over:

  • README.md
  • gitignore renamed in .gitignore
  • .env
  • .sass-lint.yml
  • jsconfig.json
  • public/
  • src/

bpGenerator.createCustomBoilerplate(dirName, boilerplateDir, paths)

copies over the boilerplate files from the boilerplate directory to the project directory. dirName is the path of the directory created by createDirectory(). boilerplateDir is the path of the boilerplate directory of the generated project. additionalPaths is an array of paths of additional files / directories that need to be copied over. Each path should be relative to boilerplateDir. If the files need to be renamed an object can be passed instead:

  { 'gitignore': '.gitignore' },

replacePlaceholders(dirName, appName, boilerplateDir)

gets the list of files that needs replacement from the replace-mapping.js module that is in the root of the given boilerplate.

Each file is opened and every instance of APP_NAME is replaced by the lowercase version of appName while every instance of UCASE_APP_NAME is replaced by the uppercase version of appName.

dirName is the path of the directory created by createDirectory(). appName is the name of the app. boilerplateDir is the path of the boilerplate directory of the generated project.


5 years ago


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5 years ago