0.1.1 • Published 4 years ago

@entrydark/ent2ml-runtime v0.1.1

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4 years ago

The Deno Runtime compiles a TypeScript or JavaScript function into a serverless function powered by Deno, running on Vercel.


Your serverless function file is expected to export default the HTTP handler function, and then vercel-deno takes care of invoking that handler function every time an HTTP request is received.

Note: Check out the api directory to see examples of using popular Deno web frameworks with vercel-deno. Feel free to send a pull request to add additional examples!


Create a file called api/hello.ts with the following contents:

import { ServerRequest } from 'https://deno.land/std@0.70.0/http/server.ts';

export default async (req: ServerRequest) => {
	req.respond({ body: `Hello, from Deno v${Deno.version.deno}!` });

Next, define the vercel-deno runtime within the "functions" object in your vercel.json file:

	"functions": {
		"api/**/*.[jt]s": { "runtime": "vercel-deno@0.7.1" }

Demo: https://vercel-deno.vercel.app/api/hello


There are a few build environment variables that you may configure for your serverless functions:

DEBUGEnables additional logging during build-time.false
DENO_TSCONFIGPasses the --config flag to specify a tsconfig.json file that Deno will use.None
DENO_UNSTABLEPasses the --unstable flag to deno cache (at build-time) and deno run (at runtime).false
DENO_VERSIONVersion of deno that the serverless function will use.1.4.1


The vercel dev command is supported on Windows, macOS, and Linux:

  • Vercel CLI v19.1.0 or newer is required.
  • Uses the deno binary installed on the system (does not download deno).
  • Specifying a specific version of Deno via DENO_VERSION env var is not supported.

4 years ago


4 years ago