3.0.0 • Published 4 months ago

@eqproject/eqp-lookup v3.0.0

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Last release
4 months ago

Table of contents


  • Angular Material installed and imported
  • ng-select installed and imported (v. 10.0.4)

Getting started

Step 1: Install eqp-lookup:


npm install  --save  @eqproject/eqp-lookup

Step 2: Import the EqpLookupModule:

import { EqpLookupModule } from  '@eqproject/eqp-lookup';


    declarations: [AppComponent],
    imports: [EqpLookupModule],
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]

export class AppModule {}

Step 3: Import ng-select styling:


@import  "~@ng-select/ng-select/themes/material.theme.css";



placeholderstring-noText displayed as placeholder when no item is selected.
bindLabelstring'Label'noObject property to use for label.
bindKeystring'ID'noObject property to use for key.
itemsArray<objects>-noArray of objects that lookup will show.
notFoundTextstring'Nessun risultato trovato'noCustom text when filter returns empty result.
genericAddComponentDynamicLoaderDirectiveData-noObject containing the templateRef, inputParams and other configuration parameters to add elements into the datasource.
isMultiplebooleanfalsenoDefines if the lookup can accept more values, managed like an object array.
isSearchablebooleantruenoDefines if it's possible to type inside lookup and search among items.
isClearablebooleantruenoDefines if the cancel button is shown.
isVirtualScrollbooleanfalsenoDynamic render of the items contained in the lookup. Useful in case of huge amount of data.
isReadonlybooleanfalsenoSet lookup as readonly.
isRequiredbooleanfalsenoSet lookup as required.
isDisabledbooleanfalsenoDisable the lookup.
entityTypestring-yesEntity name to be searched on the server when the mode chosen isn't the one with initialItems.
formGroupInputany-noFormGroup that contains the specific FormControl of the lookup (to use if you're not using ngModelInput).
formControlNameInputany-noFormControl to use inside the FormGroup passed (to use if you're not using ngModelInput).
ngModelInputany-nongModel binded to lookup. (to use if you're not using FormControl)
isSearchWhileComposingbooleanfalsenoWhether items should be filtered while composition started.
bindCompleteObjectbooleantruenoWhether the binded object must be ID or the full object.
appendToInputstring-noInput used when the lookup is contained inside a dialog or tab and there are visualization problems. Useful value: body.
disableReloadOnLookupAddingCompleteParentbooleanfalsenoWhether data must be reloaded after adding is complete.
showOptionTooltipbooleanfalsenoDefines if a tooltip must be shown on option hover.
sortListbooleanfalsenoItems sorting based on Label.
dataFilterArray<LinqPredicateDTO>-noIt allows you to pass some simple filters to the server (used when fullUrlHttpCall is also passed)
customConfigLookupCustomConfig-noConfiguration related to properties that compose the label and to full object inclusion (used when fullUrlHttpCall is also passed).
complexDataFilterArray<ComplexLinqPredicateDTO>-noIt allows you to pass some complex filters to the server (used when fullUrlHttpCall is also passed)
initialItemsArray<any>falsenoInitial datasource used if you want to bypass the server call.
ngModelOptionsany-noOptions related to ngModel.
isEditablebooleanfalsenoDefines if the selected item can be edited.
isMultilinebooleanfalsenoDefines if the item selected's label can be shown inside a multiple line input.
dropdownPositionauto \| top \| bottomautonoSpecifies the position of the dropdown.
selectOnTabbooleanfalsenoSelect marked dropdown item using tab.
fullUrlHttpCallstring-noFull HTTP url for the server call.
addButtonTextstringfalsenoText displayed as tooltip when hovering on the add button.
editButtonTextstringfalsenoText displayed as tooltip when hovering on the edit button.
selectAllbooleanfalsenoAdd an option inside the dropdown that allows the user to select all the elements.
selectAllTextstring'Seleziona tutto'noText displayed in the select all option.
groupBystring \| Function-noAllow to group items by key or function expression.
groupValue(groupKey: string, children: any[]) => Object-noFunction expression to provide group value.
groupByPropertystring-noProperty name used to group items.
selectableGroupbooleanfalsenoAllow to select group when groupBy is used.
selectableGroupAsModelbooleanfalsenoIndicates whether to select all children or group itself.
clearAllTextstring-noText displayed as tooltip when hovering the clear button.
customOptionTemplateRef-noCustom template for the option inside the dropdown panel.
customLabelTemplateRef-noCustom template for the selected item's label.
manipulateDataFn(items: any) => LookupDTO[]-noFunction to manipulate data after the HTTP call used to retrieve items.
compareFunction(iteratedObject: any, bindedObject: any) => boolean-noFunction to compare the option values with the selected values. A boolean should be returned.


OutputEvent argumentsRequiredDescription
(ngModelInputChange)any-Invoked when the value changes and the ngModelInput is binded. When items are grouped it return the group 'exploded'.
(formControlChange)any-Invoked when the value changes and a form control is binded. When items are grouped it return the group 'exploded'.
(lookupAddingCompleteParent)any-Event emitted when the add process is completed and disableReloadOnLookupAddingCompleteParent is not true.
(searchChange)any-Invoked when user searches among lookup items. It return the term typed and items filtered.
(keydown)any-Invoked on keydown.
(clear)any-Event emitted on select clear.
(valueSelected)any-Event emitted when a value is selected.

Use cases

Case 1: Lookup with initial items :

	placeholder="Lookup with initial items"

Define properties and functions in Typescript (or Javascript) file

lookupFormGroup : FormGroup | undefined;


createForm() {
	this.lookupFormGroup = this.formBuilder.group({
		lookupWithInitialItems: [null, Validators.required],


this.http.post<LookupDTO[]>(url, config).subscribe(res  => {
	this.questionInitialItems = res;


lookupChange(event: any) {
	// body

Case 2: Lookup with HTTP call and ngModelInput :

Define component selector in HTML

	placeholder="Lookup with HTTP call"

Define properties and functions in Typescript (or Javascript) file

fullUrlHttpCall = environment.apiFullUrl + '/lookup/GetLookupEntities';
lookupWithHttpCall: LookupDTO | undefined;


lookupChange(event: any) {
	// body

Case 3: Lookup with HTTP call and Form :

Define component selector in HTML

	placeholder="Lookup with aform"

Define properties and functions in Typescript (or Javascript) file

fullUrlHttpCall = environment.apiFullUrl + '/lookup/GetLookupEntities';
lookupFormGroup : FormGroup | undefined;

createForm() {
	this.lookupFormGroup = this.formBuilder.group({
		lookupWithForm: [null, Validators.required],


lookupChange(event: any) {
	// body

Case 4: Lookup with HTTP call and extra configs :

Define component selector in HTML

	[dataFilter]="[{PropertyFilters: [{PropertyName: 'FK_Province', PropertyValue: 10, RelationType: 1}]}]"
	[customConfig]="{LabelProperties: ['Name', 'Code', 'ID'], IncludeFullObject: true}"

Define properties and functions in Typescript (or Javascript) file

fullUrlHttpCall = environment.apiFullUrl + '/lookup/GetLookupEntities';
lookupFormGroup : FormGroup | undefined;


createForm() {
	this.lookupFormGroup = this.formBuilder.group({
		lookupWithExtraConfigs: [null, Validators.required],


lookupChange(event: any) {
	// body

Case 5: Editable Lookup :

Define component selector in HTML

	placeholder="Editable lookup"
	[genericAddComponent]="{componentSelector: addQuestionComponent, idLookupEntity: getNumber(getFormControls('editableLookup').value), isEditable: true, disableRedirectAfterSave: true}"

Define properties and functions in Typescript (or Javascript) file

fullUrlHttpCall = environment.apiFullUrl + '/lookup/GetLookupEntities';
lookupFormGroup : FormGroup | undefined;
addQuestionComponent = AddQuestionComponent;

createForm() {
	this.lookupFormGroup = this.formBuilder.group({
		editableLookup: [null, Validators.required],


getNumber(element: number | string | undefined | null): number | null {
	if (element != null)
		return  Number(element);
		return  <null><unknown>  element;


getFormControls(control: string) {
	return  this.lookupFormGroup.controls[control];


lookupChange(event: any) {
	// body

Case 6: Lookup with select all :

Define component selector in HTML

	placeholder="Lookup with select all"

Define properties and functions in Typescript (or Javascript) file

fullUrlHttpCall = environment.apiFullUrl + '/lookup/GetLookupEntities';
lookupFormGroup : FormGroup | undefined;

createForm() {
	this.lookupFormGroup = this.formBuilder.group({
		lookupWithSelectAll: [null, Validators.required],


lookupChange(event: any) {
	// body

Case 7: Lookup with groups :

Define component selector in HTML

	placeholder="Lookup with groups"

Define properties and functions in Typescript (or Javascript) file

fullUrlHttpCall = environment.apiFullUrl + '/lookup/GetLookupEntities';
lookupFormGroup : FormGroup | undefined;
groupByFn = (item: any) =>  item.FullObject.FK_QuestionCategory
groupValueFn = (groupKey: string, children: any[]) => ({Key:  groupKey, Label:  groupKey, Total:  children.length});

createForm() {
	this.lookupFormGroup = this.formBuilder.group({
		lookupWithGroups: [null, Validators.required],


lookupChange(event: any) {
	// body

NB: It's possible to change the Label displayed for groups passing some values or using the groupKey to access the selected properties inside an array.

Case 8: Lookup with data manipulation and custom templates :

Define component selector in HTML

	placeholder="Lookup with function and custom templates"

Define custom templates in HTML

<!-- Template for option inside the dropdown panel -->
<ng-template  #customOptionTemplate  ng-option-tmp  let-item="item"  let-index="index"  let-search="searchTerm">
	<div class="card">
		<div  class="card-body">
			<h5  class="card-title">{{item.Label}}</h5>
			<h6  class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted">Card subtitle</h6>
			<p  class="card-text">
				Some quick example text to build
				<a  href="#"  class="card-link">Card link</a>
				<a  href="#"  class="card-link">Another link</a>

<!-- Selected items' Label template -->
<ng-template  #customLabelTemplate  ng-label-tmp  let-item="item"  let-clear="clear">
	<span  title="{{item.Label}}">Custom template:  {{item.Label}}</span>
	<span  *ngIf="item.Total"  class="ml-1 badge badge-secondary"  style="color: black !important">{{item.Total}}</span>
	<span  class="ng-value-icon right"  (click)="clear(item)"  aria-hidden="true"> x </span>

Define properties and functions in Typescript (or Javascript) file

fullUrlHttpCall = environment.apiFullUrl + '/lookup/GetLookupEntities';
lookupFormGroup : FormGroup | undefined;
@ViewChild("customOptionTemplate") customOptionTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
@ViewChild("customLabelTemplate") customLabelTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;

createForm() {
	this.lookupFormGroup = this.formBuilder.group({
		lookupWithFunctionAndCustomTemplates: [null, Validators.required],

manipulateData(items: any) : LookupDTO[] {
	let  res: LookupDTO[] = [];
	for(let  item  of  items) {
		item.Label += " added later";
	return  res;


lookupChange(event: any) {
	// body


This library has been developed by EqProject SRL, for more info contact: info@eqproject.it


4 months ago


4 months ago


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