1.0.1 • Published 1 year ago

@equans/smart-buildings-manual-heating-override v1.0.1

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1 year ago




This strategy will likely take an input from a given schedule. If the overrive is not active it will just forward on an message it recieved.

However if the override is in place then it will alter the message to:

  requestId: "strategies-manual-heating-override",
  value: true

Strategy breakdown

The logic for the custom heating override block can all be found within the strategies-manual-heating-override.ts file.



The subflow ./subflows/manual-heating-override-subflow.json contains all the flow for ui and implementaion of the manual heating override. Including the UI buttons and components. subflow

Installation in Node-RED

The custom occupancy strategy is available as an npm module and can be installed by either seaching for the @equans/smart-buildings-manual-heating-override within the node-red dashboard's manage palette menu or by adding:

RUN npm install @equans/smart-buildings-manual-heating-override

to your node red Dockerfile (provided the you have a valid npm token within your .npmrc config file).

You can read more about installing custom node-red modules here and here



  • Clone this repo to your local machine
  • run npm install to install all dependencies
  • If you havent already, download and install node-red using the instructions here
  • Within .npmrc replace $GITHUB_TOKEN with your github token for publishing changes to the package to github. Make sure you don't commit the token.
  • In order to publish changes to the npm registry, you must replace the $NPM_TOKEN with your npm token. Make sure you don't commit the token.

Running locally

  • Navigate to your node-red user directory (often ~/.node-red) and create a symbolic link with the strategies-occupancy repo by running:
    npm install <path to the repo>
  • Alternatively, you can create a symbolic link by navigating to the repo and running:
    npm link
  • Any changes to the repo require the node-red server to be restarted

Publishing the package

  • Instructions on preparing the package can be found here

  • In order to publish the package, make sure your .npmrc file contains a valid $NPM_TOKEN and then use the following command to publish the package:

    npm publish --access public

1 year ago


1 year ago