0.0.4 • Published 4 months ago

@erdbeerheld1990/my-example-lib v0.0.4

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4 months ago

build ci publish example library

This example project shows how to deploy a library and publish it. It uses pnpm changesets and tsup for building the project.


  1. Set noEmit: true in tsconfig.json for disabling generate any JavaScript source code, source-maps or declarations. Tsup is a separate transpiler from typescript. It is a task runner that can handle the bundling and transpilation of various formats. tsup can perform more advanced transpilation tasks than TypeScript. It can handle things like tree-shaking, code splitting, and minification, which can significantly improve the performance and size of your compiled code. By setting noEmit: true, you give tsup complete control over the transpilation process, allowing it to optimize the output for your specific needs.

  2. Add a build script with tsup and a lint check. tsc can be used here because of noEmit: true the Typescript code is still analyzed and typechecked.

"build": "tsup src/index.ts --format cjs,esm --dts",
"lint": "tsc",
  1. add ci pipeline with test in ./github/workflows/main.yml. Since this is currently a mono repo, also the nodejs setup github action must be configured with a cache dependency path:
- uses: actions/setup-node@v3
      node-version: 20.x
      cache: "pnpm"
      cache-dependency-path: "build-ci-publish-example/pnpm-lock.yaml"
  1. Adjust and set the index modules, index file and types in package.json:
  "main": "./dist/index.js",
  "module": "./dist/index.mjs",
  "types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
  1. create npm account if not already done on https://www.npmjs.com/
  2. Create an access token in the npm profile top right and => access token and safe it in the guithub repo as a github repo secret
  3. Add changeset library and initialize it for release changes: pnpm add -D @changesets/cli && pnpm changeset init. Whenever you want to publish new changes do pnpm changeset and give it a name.
  4. Add a release script, which will lint, test, build and publish the libary to package.json
"release": "pnpm run lint && pnpm run test && pnpm run build && changeset publish"
  1. Add .github/workflows/publish.yml as a new github action, which uses the github action changesets
  2. Add an .nvmrc file containing the node version
  3. Add a vite.config.mts (CJS is deprecated) file and import it vitest/dist/config. This will make Node interpret the file as an ESM file using TypeScript syntax. The vitest/config import from the video is therefore also deprecated. So the vite config should look like this:
import { defineConfig } from "vitest/config";

// vite.config.js
export default defineConfig({
  test: {},
  // config options
  1. if you want to publish it to public npmjs set in package.json
private: false
  1. In the created .changeset/config.json set "access": "public" for publishing these changesets
  2. In your github repo settings choose Settings -> Actions -> General -> workflow permissions and set it to Read and write permissions and check the box Allow GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests
  3. add .npmignore in order just to deploy a dist folder.

Here are additional helpful docs for this project:


4 months ago


4 months ago


4 months ago


4 months ago