2.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

@escaladesports/components v2.0.0

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4 years ago


Reusable React components for Escalade Sports sites/apps



For rendering navigational breadcrumbs at the top of a page. Renders a fully-customizable <ul> and includes forward slashes inside the <li> elements to act as separators by default.

Example Usage

const crumbs = [
    to: `/`,
    label: `Home`
  <SomeComponent />,
  `Plain Text Crumb`,
    href: `https://escaladesports.com`,
    text: `Random External Link`,
    tag: SomeOtherComponent
  <div>Totally custom!</div>
    link: `/check-me-out`,
    text: `Notice the different properties accepted`

return (
    separator={<SlashIcon />}
    endSeparator="/ THE END"

The crumbs Prop

An array of objects, strings, or React elements representing the crumbs.

Each crumb object can contain a destination URL property (see below table) to make the crumb a link. Inside the <li> for the crumb, an anchor tag will be rendered if the URL is absolute (starts with http), or a Gatsby <Link> will be rendered if the URL is relative. Non-link crumbs will use a <span>. Otherwise, a custom component can be specified (see tag below).

When using an object for a crumb, the following properties are accepted:

toDestination URL (either relative or absolute).href, link, path, url
textThe text to be displayed for the crumblabel
disableLinkBoolean to force rendering as plain text even if a destination URL is provided
tagCustom React component to use in place of <a>, <span>, or <Link> (overrides the tag prop given to the main component on a crumb-by-crumb basis)
listItemPropsProps to be applied to the <li> element (overrides listItemProps given to the main component on a crumb-by-crumb basis)
all other propertiesWill be spread to the inner tag as props (merged with crumbProps prop from main component)

All Props for <Breadcrumbs>

PropDescriptionDefault ValueAlternative Props
crumbsThe actual crumbs (see above)
lengthMax # of crumbs before truncating; will replace leftmost crumbs with ellipsis (see below) when exceeded
tagCustom React component to use for the inner tag (within <li>) in each crumb instead of <a>, <span>, or <Link>
listItemPropsProps to be applied to all <li> elements
crumbPropsProps to be applied to the inner tag (within <li>) for all crumbs
ellipsisCustom element or string used when length of crumbs array exceeds the length prop (if given – see above)"..."dots
separatorCustom string or React element to use between crumbs<span> / </span>
beginSeparatorString or React element to go before the first crumb; set to true to use the main separator
endSeparatorGoes after the last crumb; works the same as beginSeparator
all other propsWill be spread to the top-level <ul> element


Renders groups of inputs/dropdowns for selecting product attributes (e.g. Size or Color) based on attributes described in a config object (see the config prop) and a list of product variants (see the variants prop).

Automatically enables/disables options for each attribute based on combinations that actually exist in a supplied list of product variants (see the variants prop below).

On select, returns the actual ID or SKU of the new product variant resulting from the new combination of attribute values.

Example Usage

Inside or outside a React component:

const variants = [
    sku: `1ABC`,
    name: `Small Yellow Product`,
    color: `Yellow`,
    size: `Small`,
    version: `Version A`
    sku: `2XYZ`,
    name: `Large Blue Product`,
    color: `Blue`,
    size: `Large`,
    version: `Version A`

const config = {
  color: {
    label: `Select a color`,
    section: `fancyWidgets`,
    component: ColorWidget
  size: {
    label: `Select a size`,
    section: `dropdowns`,
    component: BasicDropdownWidget
  version: {
    label: `Select a version`,
    section: `dropdowns`,
    component: BasicDropdownWidget

Inside a React component:

// Example of a change handler to deal w/ the new SKU
const handleChange = newSku => {
  setPageState({ sku: newSku })

return (
    <div className="other-area-in-layout">

The config Prop

Object defining the selectable attributes.

Keys should match corresponding properties on each variant in the variants array (see below). For example: if one of the keys in config is size, at least one of the product variants should have a size property.

Values should be objects with these properties:

PropertyDescriptionDefault Value
labelThe label to be displayed to the user next to the input. If using a custom component, this may not be needed.
sectionThe name (as a string) of the section/group that should contain the input widget for this attribute. Should correspond to the section prop passed to one of the instances of the main <AttributeWidgets> component.
componentCustom component to be used as the selection input for the attribute. Receives options, label, value, and onChange as props.Built-in generic dropdown component

The variants Prop

Array of related variations of a product. Each member of the array should be an object containing at minimum:

  • A sku, id, or similar identifier (key must match the identifier prop passed to <AttributeWidgets> – defaults to sku)
  • Properties with keys corresponding to the attributes in config (see above)

Other Props

PropDescriptionDefault Value
variantsSee above
configSee above
initialThe ID value of the initial variant to be selected
onChangeChange handler called when any option is selected in any of the attribute selection inputs. The argument passed is the ID of whichever product variant has the new combination of attribute values resulting from the selection.
sectionAn optional name string for a section/group of attribute widgets; ensures that the instance will only render widgets for attributes having a matching value for section in config. Use this to render different inputs in different places on a page.
identifierProperty name to use as the ID on each product variant"sku"
debugActivates some additional console logging
testForces component to use built-in test data