2.1.1 • Published 5 years ago

@espen.loeke/fhirclient v2.1.1

Weekly downloads
Last release
5 years ago

SMART on FHIR JavaScript Library

This is a JavaScript library for connecting SMART apps to Fhir servers. It works both in browsers (IE10+) and on the server (NodeJS).


Install from npm:

npm i fhirclient

Documentation (new)

The documentation for the upcoming release is available at http://docs.smarthealthit.org/client-js/.

Check out what's new in v2!

Documentation (old)

The documentation for the older (current) version is at http://docs.smarthealthit.org/clients/javascript/.

Contributing and Development

NPM Scripts

After you cd into to the project folder and run npm i, you can use npm scripts to handle any project-related task:

# run tests
npm test

# Build everything
npm run build

# Build all bundles
npm run pack

# Only build the minified bundle for production
npm run pack:prod

# Only build the pure (no polyfills included) minified bundle for production
npm run pack:prod:pure

# Only build non-minified bundle for development
npm run pack:dev

# Only build the pure (no polyfills included) bundle for development
npm run pack:dev:pure

# Only build non-minified bundle for development and rebuild on change
npm run build:dev

# Build the CommonJS modules (for Node and bundlers)
npm run build:module


Apache 2.0