0.0.2-alpha.2 • Published 3 years ago

@eth-optimism/ovm-toolchain v0.0.2-alpha.2

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Last release
3 years ago


@eth-optimism/ovm-toolchain provides "OVM-ified" wrappers or plugins for common Ethereum developer tools. Currently, this package directly or indirectly enables OVM execution within the following tools:



ovm-toolchain exports a ganache object which behaves identically to the one exported by ganache-core. However, we hijack the ganache instance such that the resulting provider object is backed by our own ethereumjs-vm fork instead of the canonical version.

Import our ganache object as follows:

import { ganache } from '@eth-optimism/ovm-toolchain'

const provider = ganache.provider(options) // Same options as `ganache-core`.

Please refer to the ganache-core README for information about using and configuring ganache.


ovm-toolchain exports two waffle objects, waffleV2 and waffleV3, one for each major version of waffle. Each object has a single field (MockProvider) that can replace the MockProvider import from ethereum-waffle.

Import these objects as follows:

import { waffleV2, waffleV3 } from '@eth-optimism/ovm-toolchain'

const providerV2 = new waffleV2.MockProvider(options) // Same options as V2 waffle MockProvider.
const providerV3 = new waffleV3.MockProvider({
    ganacheOptions: options,                          // Same options as V3 waffle MockProvider.


import { MockProvider } from '@eth-optimism/ovm-toolchain/build/src/waffle/waffle-v2'

const provider = new MockProvider(options)

Please refer to the waffle docs for more information.


ovm-toolchain provides two builder plugins, buidler-ovm-compiler and buidler-ovm-node.


buidler-ovm-compiler allows users to specify a custom compiler path within buidler.config.ts. This makes it possible to compile your contracts with our custom Solidity compiler.

Import buidler-ovm-compiler as follows:

// buidler.config.ts

import '@eth-optimism/ovm-toolchain/build/src/buidler-plugins/buidler-ovm-compiler'

const config = {
  solc: {
    path: '@eth-optimism/solc',

export default config


buidler-ovm-node performs a hijack similar to the one performed for ganache in order to replace the VM object with our own custom ethereumjs-vm fork. Add useOvm to your buidler config object to enable OVM execution.

Import buidler-ovm-node as follows:

// buidler.config.ts

import '@eth-optimism/ovm-toolchain/build/src/buidler-plugins/buidler-ovm-node'

const config = {
  useOvm: true,

export default config


Our Watcher allows you to retrieve all transaction hashes related to cross domain messages such as deposits and withdrawals. In order to use, first send a transaction which sends a cross domain message, for example a deposit from L1 into L2. After sending the deposit transaction and storing the transaction hash, use getMessageHashesFromL1Tx(l1TxHash) to get an array of the message hashes of all of the L1->L2 messages that were sent inside of that L1 tx (This will usually just be a single element array, but it can return multiple if one L1 transaction triggers multiple deposits). getMessageHashesFromL2Tx(l2TxHash) does the same for L2->L1 messages. onceL2Relay(messageHash, callback) takes in an L1->L2 message hash and a callback that will be triggered after 2-5 minutes with the hash of the L2 tx that the message ends up getting relayed in. onceL1Relay(messageHash, callback) does the same for L2->L1 messages, except the delay is 7 days.

import { Watcher } from '@eth-optimism/ovm-toolchain/'
import { JsonRpcProvider } from 'ethers/providers'

const watcher = new Watcher({
  l1: {
    provider: new JsonRpcProvider('INFURA_L1_URL'),
    messengerAddress: '0x...'
  l2: {
    provider: new JsonRpcProvider('OPTIMISM_L2_URL'),
    messengerAddress: '0x...'
const l1TxHash = (await depositContract.deposit(100)).hash
const [messageHash] = await watcher.getMessageHashesFromL1Tx(l1TxHash)
console.log('L1->L2 message hash:', messageHash)
watcher.onceL2Relay(messageHash, (l2txhash) => {
  // Takes 2-5 minutes
  console.log('Got L2 Tx Hash:', l2txhash)