0.3.1-unstable.79 • Published 7 months ago

@evan.network/sidetree-cas-s3 v0.3.1-unstable.79

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Last release
7 months ago


This package contains an implementation of Content Addressable Storage used in Sidetree.

It contains:

  • S3Cas: A CAS interface for AWS S3
  • MockS3Cas: A Mock-CAS interface for AWS S3


npm install --save @sidetree/cas-s3


git clone https://github.com/transmute-industries/sidetree.js.git && cd sidetree.js
npm install

Testing for this Module

cd packages/cas-s3
npm run test

By default the test for this package will use a the MockS3Cas implementation to replicate the functionality of S3 on AWS. To enable the AWS S3Cas module for testing the following two actions are required.

  1. Create a ~/.aws/credentials file
  2. Enable the use of the S3Cas by editing the test file


  1. Create a ~/.aws/credentials file

To create the ~/.aws/credentials you will need to have the aws cli tool, which can be installed from this repository: https://github.com/aws/aws-cli.

Once that is installed, run the aws configure command to create the file.

$ aws configure
AWS Secret Access Key: MYSECRETKEY
Default region name [us-west-2]: us-west-2
Default output format [None]: json
  1. Enable the use of the S3Cas by editing the test file

To enable the S3Cas module for testing, the test file is located at src/S3Cas.spec.ts. You must change the variable value of forceMock from true to false. An example is shown below.

import { testSuite } from '@sidetree/cas';
import S3Cas from './S3Cas';
import MockS3Cas from './MockS3Cas';
import casConfig from './cas-config.json';
// import AWS object without services
import AWS from 'aws-sdk/global';

const forceMock = false; // This line

const config = new AWS.Config();
if (forceMock) {
  console.warn('Using mock s3 interface for S3 tests');
} else if (!config.credentials) {
    'No AWS credentials found in ~/.aws/credentials, using mock interace'

const cas =
  config.credentials && !forceMock
    ? new S3Cas(casConfig.s3BucketName)
    : new MockS3Cas();


Note that you will need both the ~/.aws/credentials file and const forceMock = false; for the S3 module to run.

Bucket Name

The default bucket name is sidetree-cas-s3-test. The value for this can be changed in src/cas-config.json.

  "s3BucketName": "sidetree-cas-s3-test"