0.0.1 • Published 2 years ago

@everseen/coc-poem v0.0.1

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2 years ago


A con.nvim plugin to render custom vim welcome screen.


Note: better turn off vim default intro message: set shm+=I first.

Install this extension and add this to your vimrc:

au VimEnter * call coc#rpc#notify('runCommand', ['poem.boot'])

There are several builtin commands, e.g. :CocCommand poem.show:

  • poem.boot: change the default vim welcome screen by poem screen, will do noting if you are running nvim with args, using gvim or in insert mode.

  • poem.show: show a poem screen. DON'T use this command on boot.

  • poem.fetch: immediately fetch poem providers.

  • poem.showOutputChannel: display logs

  • poem.clearOutputChannel: clear logs


This extension use providers to fetch data. A provider is just a script file put in ~/.config/coc-poem/<your-provider>/index.js. See examples as an example.

Provider Load Strategy (poem.boot and poem.show)

flowchart LR
    boot[poem.boot] --> checkLimitations{check limitations}
    checkLimitations -- limited --> schedule[schedule fetch task]
    checkLimitations -- not limited --> loadSavedData[load saved data]
    show[poem.show] --> loadSavedData
    loadSavedData -- no saved data --> schedule
    schedule --> pass[end]
    loadSavedData -- saved data --> isDirectData{is screen content or provider name}
    isDirectData -- screen content --> display[display data]
    display --> executeCmds[exec keybinding commands]
    isDirectData -- provider name --> loadProvider[load provider and run prepareScreen]
    executeCmds --> schedule
    loadProvider --> schedule

Provider Fetch Stategy poem.fetch

Saved data is always used for NEXT startup.

flowchart LR
    fetch[poem.fetch] --> loadProvidrs[load providers and filter by shouldUpdate]
    loadProvidrs --> hasProvider{providers > 0?}
    hasProvider -- N --> pass[end]
    hasProvider -- Y --> selectFirst[sort by provider.priority]
    selectFirst -- first provider --> isSame[still previous provider?]
    isSame -- N --> clearData[clear data]
    isSame -- Y --> hasFetch{has fetchData?}
    clearData --> hasFetch
    hasFetch -- Y --> runFetch[fetchData]
    hasFetch -- N, name --> updateData[save data]
    runFetch -- data and commands --> updateData
    updateData --> pass

Provider API

export type ProviderApi = {
  name: string;
  root: string;
  logger: Logger;
  config: PoemConfig;
  coc: typeof coc;
  context: coc.ExtensionContext;
  data?: SavedData;

// User Defined Provider
export interface ProviderUD {
  shouldUpdate?: MaybeAsync<boolean, ProviderApi>; // shouldUpdate: boolean|((api: ProviderApi) => (boolean|Promise<boolean>))
  shouldUseBrowser?: MaybeAsync<boolean, ProviderApi>;
  getPriority?: MaybeAsync<number, ProviderApi>;
  fetchData?: MaybeAsync<{ content: any, commands?: string[] }, ProviderApi & { browser?: puppeteer.Browser }>
  prepareScreen?: MaybeAsync<void, ProviderApi & { screen: Screen }>


  • default: true

Whether to fetch provider data at this time, the fetch will run in backend silently.


  • default: false

There is a builtin headless browser support (use puppeteer), set true if you want to fetch sth from the Internet. Use with caution because this may slow down your vim exit process and lead to memory leak, see examples/headless-browser for more detail.


  • default: 0(higher is prior)

You can write as many providers as you want, but only the most prior one will be select each time.


  • default: undefined

Describe how the provider fetches data. This is not required because you may want just render some realtime data.


Descrbe how the provider render realtime data. Note it is exclusive with fetchData. Also, you can bind your own keybindings for the poem screen buffer in this function.

Extension Settings

Some configuration can be changed in coc.nvim config file:

poem.providerDir?: string

  • default: ~/.config/coc-poem(*nix), ~/AppData/Local/coc-poem(win)

Where to find your provider scripts, each folder is considered as a provider if a index.js script file found. Provider data is also cached here (./data.json).

poem.updateTime?: number

  • default: 60000(ms)

When to start updating provider in background after nvim launched.

poem.screenFPS?: number

  • default: 2

The poem screen refreshes <poem.screenFPS> times per second. Don't set too high because the render is async and that may cause unexpected behavior.

poem.launchBrowsers?: object

How to launch puppeteer browser, the option will be passed to puppeteer.launch. Default:

  executablePath: 'google-chrome',
  ignoreHTTPSErrors: true,
  headless: true,
  args: [
    '--user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.102 Safari/537.36',


Why coc-poem, not coc-startify or something like that?

I use this extension to fetch a Chinese poem from the Internet every day 🍵~

Startup too slow (about 1s)?

Well, I guess the communication between nodejs and nvim do takes a while, and this extension requires the coc.nvim context ready. I'am trying to find a better way to render.