1.0.22 • Published 3 years ago

@evokegroup/str8r-core-multilang v1.0.22

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Last release
3 years ago

Siterator Core

This provides the core functionality for the Siterator framework,

By itself it doesn't really do anything, it is meant to be brought into the gulpfile of a container project to be implemented.

See the example in the str8r-instructions project.

Get started by cloning the str8r-static project.

Changelog: 2.0.11 - Upgrade packages to lattest CommonJS version available - run on node 16 browser-sync ^2.26.7 → ^2.27.9
critical ^2.0.0-23 → ^4.0.1
eslint-config-google ^0.12.0 → ^0.14.0
eslint-config-node ^4.0.0 → ^4.1.0
eslint-plugin-import ^2.20.1 → ^2.26.0
gulp-autoprefixer ^6.1.0 → ^8.0.0
gulp-eslint ^5.0.0 → ^6.0.0
gulp-htmlhint ^2.2.1 → ^4.0.2
gulp-load-plugins ^1.6.0 → ^2.0.7
gulp-rename added → ^2.0.0
gulp-rev-all ^2.0.2 → ^3.0.0
gulp-sass ^4.0.2 → ^5.1.0
gulp-size ^3.0.0 → ^4.0.1
gulp-sourcemaps ^2.6.5 → ^3.0.0
gulp-terser ^1.2.0 → ^2.1.0
gulp-useref ^3.1.6 → ^5.0.0
gulp.spritesmith ^6.11.0 → ^6.12.1
handlebars ^4.7.3 → ^4.7.7
lodash ^4.17.15 → ^4.17.21
moment ^2.24.0 → ^2.29.3
jest ^24.9.0 → ^28.1.0
sass added → ^1.51.0

DO NOT UPDATE - Newer versions of these libraries are causing missing dependency error for ZLIB 1.2.9 on older Linux systems. | Library | Version | | ------- | ------- | | gulp-imagemin | ^6.2.0 | | imagemin-mozjpeg | ^8.0.0 | | imagemin-pngquant | ^8.0.0 | | imagemin-webp | ^5.1.0 |

2.0.10 - XXXX 2.0.7 - switch uglify -> terser to support ES6 - explicitly set the extension for generated html files via config.htmlFileExtension - critical v2.0.6 2.0.5 - Dependency updates 2.0.0 - updated to gulp 4, all tasks and str8r-static gulpfile updated 0.9.6 - added meta.js helper and option to use gulp-image instead of gulp-imagemin