1.0.2 • Published 8 years ago

@evolopment/chai-process v1.0.2

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8 years ago


This plugin for the Chai assertion library allows to assert conditions on the execution of subprocesses.


npm install @evolopment/chai-process --save-dev


As the result of execution is asynchronous, it's used along Chai as promised.

var chai = require('chai');
var chaiProcess = require('@evolopment/chai-process');
var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised);


var spawn = chaiProcess.spawn;  // convinience to use shorter lines

it('succeeds if the process exits with return code 0', function () {
    return expect(spawn('node', ['simple-ok.js'])).to.eventually.succeed;

it('succeeds if the process exits with return code other than 0', function () {
    return expect(spawn('node', ['simple-ko.js'])).to.eventually.fail;

it('property returns the exit code', function () {
    return expect(spawn('node', ['simple-ko-alt.js'])).to.eventually.exitCode.eql(2);

it('property returns the execution time', function () {
    return expect(spawn('node', ['delay-2s.js'])).to.eventually.seconds.within(2, 2.5);

it('method returns the childout standard output (stdio[1])', function() {
    return expect(spawn('node', ['io-stdout-1.js'])).to.eventually.stdout().eql('abcdefgh.\"+-*?1234\n');

it('method returns the childout standard error (stdio[2]) with specified encoding (ascii)', function() {
    return expect(spawn('node', ['io-stderr-1.js'])).to.eventually.stderr('ascii').eql('abcdefgh.\"+-*?1234\n');


spawn(command, arguments, options)

Executes a spawn function to create a subprocess.

The command and arguments parameters are the same documented in spawn (command to be executed and arguments to the command).

The options optional parameter (an object) allows the following properties:

  • cwd: Execution directory, passed directly to spawn.
  • env: Environment variables, passed directly to spawn.
  • detached: Detached (true if the new process must not be child of the parent), passed directly to spawn.
  • uid: User id, to execute as another user, passed directly to spawn.
  • gid: Group id, to execute as another group, passed directly to spawn.
  • ipc: To active the built-in interprocess communication. If specified, an 'ipc' file descriptor will be created after 'stderr'.

The standard I/O property (I/O) can't be specified directly, as it's used to capture the standard output and error.

The result value is a Promise, so it requires that the Chai-As-Promised plugin is installed, and the use of eventually in the assertion chain.


return expect(spawn('node', ['delay-2s.js'])).to.eventually.seconds.within(2, 2.5);

exec(command, options)

Executes an exec function to create a subprocess.

The command and options parameters are the same documented in exec

The result value is a Promise, so it requires that the Chai-As-Promised plugin is installed, and the use of eventually in the assertion chain.


return expect(exec('node delay-2s.js')).to.eventually.seconds.within(2, 2.5);


Asserts if a process has executed without errors (exit code 0).

Depends totally in the exit code, so if your subject under test fails with code 0, it won't work.


return expect(spawn('node', ['simple-ok.js'])).to.eventually.succeed;


Asserts if a process has executed with some error (exit code >0).

Depends totally in the exit code, so if your subject under test fails with code 0, it won't work.


return expect(spawn('node', ['simple-ko.js'])).to.eventually.fail;


Returns the exit code of the subprocess. It allows to check ranges.


return expect(spawn('node', ['simple-ko-alt.js'])).to.eventually.exitCode.eql(2);


Asserts if a process exists with a concrete code. It's syntactic sugar for exitCode.eql(n).


return expect(spawn('node', ['simple-ko-alt.js'])).to.eventually.exitWithCode(2);

seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds

Returns the execution time (as seen from the node.js engine of the parent). The different properties return the value in each unit. The units are a commodity, not a specification of precision. Although it uses the process.hrtime() function and has it's value available even in nanoseconds, don't expect much accuracy.


return expect(spawn('node', ['delay-2s.js'])).to.eventually.seconds.within(2, 2.5);

stdout(), stdout(encoding)

Returns the standard output of the process, as a unique string. A default encoding is used unless the encoding parameter is used.


return expect(spawn('node', ['io-stdout-1.js'])).to.eventually.stdout().eql('abcdefgh.\"+-*?1234\n');
return expect(spawn('node', ['io-stdout-utf8.js'])).to.eventually.stdout('utf8').eql('¿?ÑÇ');

stderr(), stderr(encoding)

Returns the standard error of the process, as a unique string. A default encoding is used unless the encoding parameter is used.


return expect(spawn('node', ['io-stderr-1.js'])).to.eventually.stderr().eql('abcdefgh.\"+-*?1234\n');
return expect(spawn('node', ['io-stderr-utf8.js'])).to.eventually.stderr('utf8').eql('¿?ÑÇ');

8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago