1.0.4 • Published 3 years ago

@exlabs/react-csv-generator v1.0.4

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Last release
3 years ago

React CSV Generator


Let's generate a CSV file on the frontend side. Efficiently and quickly with TypeScript support.

  • Customize your source of data
  • Use default styles or customize it
  • Use custom labels for data fields
  • Generated file works well with Excel and Numbers
  • ✨Magic ✨


  • Generate a CSV file from the array
  • Generate a CSV file from one endpoint
  • Generate a CSV file from a bunch of endpoint's pages (pagination support)
  • Default loader during file generation (can be replaced)
  • Custom, optional fields labels
  • Custom filename
  • Custom messages
  • TypeScript support


npm install @exlabs/react-csv-generator


yarn add @exlabs/react-csv-generator

Available Props

childrenContent of the component"Download" or <div>Download me</div>
fileNameName of the generated file"generated-file"
className⬜️Class name to custom CSS styling"own-class"
baseEndpoint⬜️ ✅URL of the endpoint. If set, you can't set items"https://api.punkapi.com/v2/beers"
endpointDetails⬜️Additional params for the endpoint set in baseEndpoint{ page: 1, per_page: 3 }
items⬜️ ✅Array of data ready to generate the CSV. If set, you can't set baseEndpoint[ { id: 1 }, { id: 2 } ]
labels⬜️Custom labels for fields{ name: 'User name', created_at: 'Created at' }
objectNameInResponse⬜️If endpoint will return data in some particular object, pass its name"items"
loader⬜️Component to replace the default loader<MyOwnLoader />
errorMessage⬜️Message if something goes wrong. Default value: Something went wrong, please try again."Oppps, sorry!"
noDataMessage⬜️Message if there is no data to generate the CSV file. Default value: No data to generate the file."Your data object is empty!"

Usage & Examples

Render it inside your React application:

import React from 'react';
import CsvGenerator from '@exlabs/react-csv-generator';

const data = [{ id: 1, name: 'first' }, { id: 2, name: 'second' }];

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
      <CsvGenerator fileName="my-name" items={data}>

export default MyComponent;

Get data from the endpoint:

import React from 'react';
import CsvGenerator from '@exlabs/react-csv-generator';

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (

export default MyComponent;

Get data from the endpoint with specific details:

import React from 'react';
import CsvGenerator from '@exlabs/react-csv-generator';

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
        endpointDetails={{ page: 3, per_page: 10 }}

export default MyComponent;

If your endpoint will return total_pages the component will try to fetch data from all pages and then generate the CSV. An example of the returned object might look like this:

    items: [{...}],
    total_pages: 3,

The component will fetch https://api...?page=1 then https://api...?page=2 and finally https://api...?page=3. Only one CSV file will be generated with data from all pages. There is a big chance that your pagination endpoint works this way. Don't forget to pass objectNameInResponse prop. In the above example, it will be items.

Generate file with custom labels:

import React from 'react';
import CsvGenerator from '@exlabs/react-csv-generator';

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
        endpointDetails={{ page: 3, per_page: 10 }}
        labels={{ boil_volume: 'Boil Volume', mash_temp: 'Mash Temperature' }}

export default MyComponent;


Coming soon

Automation tests

For easier writing tests, we add data-cy="csv-generator-btn" attribute to the component's button. For example, if you are using Cypress.io you can easily get this item by cy.get('[data-cy="csv-generator-btn"]')

Excel support

Opening generated CSV file in the newest Excel may be tricky. React CSV Generator uses commas as a separator so Excel needs to know about it. 1. Open Excel 2. Select new blank workbook 3. Click File and Open 4. Select a generated CSV file 5. In popup window select Delimited option and click Next 6. Set comma as a delimiter and click Next 7. Click Finish and enjoy 🎉
