1.0.3 • Published 4 months ago

@exmg/exm-grid v1.0.3

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Last release
4 months ago

<exm-copy-to-clipboard> Published on npm



npm install @exmg/exm-grid

Before start ensure that you have installed web-animation-js. It is required by @exmg/exm-paper-combobox.

npm install web-animation-js

Load this script in index.html

<!-- Ensure Web Animations polyfill is loaded -->
<script src="../node_modules/web-animations-js/web-animations-next-lite.min.js"></script>

Some dependencies @plymer/paper-item use @apply to apply css mixins. This require to load script in index.html

<script src="../node_modules/@webcomponents/shadycss/apply-shim.min.js"></script>


This library contains following components:

  1. Grid (main component)
  2. Toolbar (optional)
  3. Pagination (optional)

Conceptual usage:

<exm-grid ...params>
      <tr class="grid-columns">
        ...column definitions
    <tbody class="grid-data">
      ...table rows
  <exm-grid-smart-toolbar slot="toolbar" ...params></exm-grid-smart-toolbar>
  <exm-grid-pagination slot="pagination" ...params></exm-grid-pagination>

Grid Card

<exm-grid> is main grid component. All other params/data/components should be put inside it as properties or children elements GridElement accept slots:

  • default - this jus table (required)
  • toolbar - slot for toolbar placed above table
  • pagination - slot for pagination placed below table
<div class="table-card">
  <slot name="toolbar"></slot>
  <div class="table-container"><slot></slot></div>
  <slot name="pagination"></slot>
  <exm-grid-smart-toolbar slot="toolbar" ...params></exm-grid-smart-toolbar>
  <exm-grid-pagination slot="pagination" ...params></exm-grid-pagination>

exm-grid-pagination can be also embedded inside table


There are 3 toolbars available out of the box:

  1. exm-grid-base-toolbar
  2. exm-grid-toolbar
  3. exm-grid-smart-toolbar

Grid base toolbar

The most base toolbar.

Do you want to use it? Least likely.

Base toolbar is most context agnostic from toolbars available. It serves only as container for various visual section (actions, description, filters) and only behavior it has - it can change its background color depending on if there are any child elements in "filters" section.

  <div slot="actions">
    ...render anything here
  <div slot="description">...render anything here (prefer plain text)</div>
  <div slot="filters">
    ...render anything here

Grid toolbar

Wraps around grid base toolbar.

Do you want to use it? Probably in some cases where you want more control than smart toolbar gives you.

This toolbar accepts actions, description and filters via props and fires events exm-grid-toolbar-action-executed and exm-grid-toolbar-filter-changed.

Please read the docs to see how actions and filters should look like to pass them into toolbar.


Grid smart toolbar

Wraps around grid toolbar.

Do you want to use it? Most likely.

In most cases you will want to use exactly grid smart toolbar.

This toolbar accepts actions, description, filters and amount-of-selected-items via props and fires events exm-grid-toolbar-action-executed and exm-grid-toolbar-filter-changed.

This toolbar is most context dependent from toolbars available. It automates some logic, but needs additional information to be passed: amount-of-selected-items. Actions passed into this toolbar should contain additional information when action should be displayed.

Please read the docs to see how actions and filters should look like to pass them into toolbar.



Simple pagination component that gives you all features described in material design specification.


Grid requirements

  • Columns has be added to table > thead > tr.grid.columns

  • Body has to be added to table > tbody.grid-data

  • You should use import {repeat} from 'lit/directives/repeat'; function to map you items to rows.

  • Each row inside tbody.grid-data should have attribute data-row-key with unique value

  • If table is expandable then for each row you have to add related row table > tbody.grid-data tr.grid-row-detail This row must have attribute data-row-detail-key with same value as its relative row

  • Element exm-grid require property .items - needed to detect any changes on data


  • toolbar should be placed in table > thead > tr.grid-toolbar

  • when amount of columns may change you may use attribute data-auto-colspan on both th and td elements

  • if column has number values then you can use class grid-col-number

  • if cell should be visible only on hover then you can use class grid-cell-visible-on-hover

  • if icon which trigger expanding / collapsing row-detail has to rotate then add class grid-icon-rotate

  • if table has fixed layout then add class grid-checkbox-cell to td and th containing checkboxes

Example how should looks most minimal markup to meet with requirements:

<exm-grid .itmes="${items}">
      <tr class="grid-columns">
    <tbody class="grid-data">
      ${repeat( this.items, ({id}) => id, (i) => { return html`
      <tr data-row-key="${i.id}">
      `; } ); }


Column sortable

  • You should add attribute sortable attribute on exm-grid

  • You must have defined columns and on th element you should add data-sort attribute with unique name of column. You can also omit name in data-sort attribute but then you should setup data-column-key both configuration are fine

<th data-column-key="month" data-sort><span>Month</span></th>
<th data-column-key="year" data-sort="year-column"><span>Year</span></th>
  • To handle sort changing you should add listener @exm-grid-sort-change on exm-grid. You will receive CustomEvent<EventDetailSortChange>
export type EventDetailSortChange = {
  column: string;
  sortDirection?: 'ASC' | 'DESC';
  • To setup default sorting you should setup attributes default-sort-column and default-sort-direction on exm-grid


      <tr class="grid-columns">
        <th data-column-key="month" data-sort><span>Month</span></th>
        <th data-column-key="year" data-sort="year-column"><span>Year</span></th>

Expandable rows

  • You should pass attribute expandable-toggle-selector to exm-grid
<exm-grid .items="${this.items}" expandable-toggle-selector=".expandable-trigger">
  <tbody class="grid-data">
    ${ repeat( items, item => items.id, item => html`
    <tr data-row-key="${i.id}">
      <td class="grid-cell-visible-on-hover">
        <span class="expandable-trigger grid-icon-rotate">${arrowIcon}</span>
    <tr class="grid-row-detail" data-row-detail-key="${i.id}">
      <td data-auto-colspan>Here goes row detail...</td>
    ` ) }
  • If you want to programmatically expand / collapse row with detail you can pass property .expandedRowIds to exm-grid element Where type of expandedRowIds looks
const expandedRowIds: Record<string, boolean> = {
  '1': true,
  '2': false,

Key is just id which you pass by attributes data-row-key and data-row-detail-key and value is just flag what will expand when true otherwise collapse

  • When row detail is being expanded then to element which trigger action will be added attribute data-is-expanded. Row with trigger will have attribute data-has-expanded-detail, To row detail is added attribute data-is-row-expanded. When collapsed both attributes are removed.

Selectable rows

To turn on this feature attribute rows-selectable has to be set on exm-grid element

  • If you want to programmatically select / unselect row you may pass property .selectedRowIds to exm-grid element Where type of selectedRowIds looks
const selectedRowIds: Record<string, boolean> = {
  '1': true,
  '2': false,

Key is just id which you pass by attributes data-row-key and data-row-detail-key and value is just flag perhaps makr row as selected when true otherwise unselect


It is optional. You can add checkbox to header and/or rows. There is needed 2 things to do to be checkbox works with row selection:

  • on exm-grid element set attributeselectable-checkbox-selector=".selectable-checkbox"

  • checkbox component needs to implement event change and property checked.

  • If your checkbox component implements indeterminate property it will be take into account for the main checkbox selector

  • Optionally cells th td can have class grid-checkbox-cell

<exm-grid .items="${this.items}" selectable-checkbox-selector=".selectable-checkbox" ?rows-selectable="${true}">
      <tr class="grid-columns">
        <th class="grid-checkbox-cell"><md-checkbox class="selectable-checkbox"></md-checkbox></th>
    <tbody class="grid-data">
        <td class="grid-checkbox-cell"><input type="checkbox" class="selection-checkbox"</td>

Rows sortable

To turn on this feature attribute rows-sortable has to be set on exm-grid. Element tr or any descend tr element must have class grid-row-drag-handler.

Each time order will be changed event exm-grid-rows-order-changed and exm-grid-rows-order-updated is triggered and has o be handled. Handling this event must to trigger update property items otherwise it won't take effect.

Event details of CustomEvent<EventDetailRowsOrderChanged> has such structure:

export type EventDetailRowsOrderChanged<T extends object = any> = {
  items: T[];

Event details of CustomEvent<EventDetailRowsOrderUpdated> has such structure:

export interface EventDetailRowsOrderUpdated {
  sourceIndex: number;
  targetIndex: number;

Items are sorted as it is done in UI.

  onRowsOrderChanged(event: CustomEvent<EventDetailRowsOrderChanged>) {
    // store current order and update items
    this.items = [...event.detail.items];
<exm-grid .items="${this.items}" ?rows-sortable="${true}" @exm-grid-rows-order-changed="${this.onRowsOrderChanged}">
      <tr class="grid-columns">
    <tbody class="grid-data">
        <td><span class="grid-row-drag-handler">${dragIcon}</span></td>

Columns visibility management

To hide / show columns you can use property hiddenColumnNames of exm-grid

const hiddenColumnNames: Record<string, string> = {};

whenever you want to change column visibility update property hiddenColumnNames

<exm-grid .items="${this.items}" .hiddenColumnNames="${{col1: 'col1', col2: 'col2'}}"></exm-grid>


You should import table styles

import {style as tableStyles} from '../src/table/exm-grid-styles';

export class DemoSimpleGridTable extends LitELement {
  static styles = [

Additionally you can also override css variables:

Custom propertyDescriptionDefault
--exm-arrow-upward-urlUrl to icon that is used for soring direction indicatorurl('/node_modules/@exmg/exm-grid/assets/arrow-upward.svg');
--exm-theme-table-card-widthtable card width100%;
--exm-theme-table-card-margin-bottomtable bottom margin5px;
--exm-theme-table-on-surfacetable text color#02182b;
--exm-theme-table-surfacetable background color#ffffff;
--exm-theme-table-box-shadowtable box shadownone
--exm-theme-table-row-divider-colortable rows separator color#02182b; 0.14
--exm-theme-table-row-selected-colorselected row text color#02182b;
--exm-theme-table-row-selected-background-colorselected row background color#e2f1fe;
--exm-theme-table-row-hover-colorrow hover text color#02182b;
--exm-theme-table-row-hover-background-colorrow hover background color#f1f1f1;
--exm-theme-table-row-dragged-background-colorsortable row background color when dragged#f1f1f1;
--exm-theme-table-rows-expanded-divider-borderborder between row and expanded row detailnone;
--exm-theme-table-rows-expanded-borderborder around row and expanded row detail1px solid #dbdbdb;
--exm-theme-table-rows-expanded-background-colorbackground color of row and expanded row detail#e2f1fe;
--exm-theme-table-rows-expanded-colortext color of row and expanded row detail#02182b;
--exm-theme-table-th-colorheader text color#0071dc;
--exm-theme-table-columns-background-colorheader background color#ffffff;
--exm-theme-table-th-sortable-hover-colorsortable header hover text color#02182b;
--exm-theme-table-th-heightheader height48px;
--exm-theme-table-th-sort-margin-leftheader margin after text but before icon0px;
--exm-theme-table-td-heightrow cell height48px;
--exm-theme-table-th-sort-icon-heightsort icon height1em;
--exm-theme-table-th-sort-icon-widthsort icon width1em;
--exm-theme-table-toolbar-background-colorToolbar background color$background;
--exm-theme-table-toolbar-colorToolbar text color$onBackground
--exm-theme-table-toolbar-active-bg-colorToolbar background color when any action available$background;
--exm-theme-table-toolbar-active-colorToolbar text color when any action available$onBackground
--exm-theme-table-pagination-bg-colorPagination background color--mdc-theme-surface
--exm-theme-table-pagination-colorPagination text color--mdc-theme-on-surface
--exm-theme-table-on-surface-disabledDisabled color--mdc-theme-on-surface with filter .38
--exm-theme-table-toolbar-filter-item-active-bg-colorBackground color for combobox--mdc-theme-surface
--exm-theme-grid-setting-checkbox-bg-colorBackground color of setting checkbox$mdcThemeSecondary
--exm-theme-table-toolbar-setting-list-item-active-bg-colorBackground color of active list item color$mdcThemeSecondary


By default grid has table-layout set to auto It can be changed to fixed

<exm-grid .items="${this.items}" table-layout="fixed"></exm-grid>
  • auto - table will shrink as much as possible. If content will overflow then scroll will be added.

  • fixed - table has layout set to fixed. If content will overflow then ellipsis will be added to text

Additional references