0.0.1-alpha.1 • Published 5 years ago

@exocet/pandora-protobuf v0.0.1-alpha.1

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5 years ago

Pandora Protobuf

Addon to provide flow and setup functions to encode/decode Protobuf 3 using protobufjs.

npm install --save @exocet/pandora-protobuf


Message envelope

The message envelope creates a pattern for transposing data between endpoints, this pattern is defined in the file "lib / standard.proto":

syntax = "proto3";

package pandora.standard;

message MessageEnvelope {
	bytes data = 1;
	repeated bytes collection = 2;
	uint32 total = 3;


Available features:

  • Generate protos from entity definition
  • Multiple protos defined by labels
  • Provide encoder/decoder hook
  • Flow steps: decodeProtobuf, encodeProtobuf

To add this addon into your project, put the addon spec into your endpoint YAML:

kind: Pandora/endpoint
  name: myEndpoint
    - name: protobuf
      package: "@exocet/pandora-protobuf"
      flow: true
      setup: true

After the setup the following property of the context will be available:

  • .application.protos - Instance of protobufjs.Root


The hooks created by this addon are:

  • protobufEncoder (.service.hooks.useHook('protobufEncoder')) - Synchronous hook to encode data to protobuf
    	const [protobufEncoder] = service.hooks.useHook('protobufEncoder');
    	const encoded = protobufEncoder('myNamespace.myEntity.myLabel', data);
  • protobufDecoder (.service.hooks.useHook('protobufDecoder')) - Synchronous hook to decode protobuf
    	const [protobufDecoder] = service.hooks.useHook('protobufDecoder');
    	const data = protobufDecoder('myNamespace.myEntity.myLabel', encoded);


The provided flow type and steps are listed bellow:

  • decodeProtobuf - This flow decodes protobuf:
    	kind: Pandora/flowStep
    	  name: decodeProtobuf
    	  type: decodeProtobuf
    	    inboundFrom: request # JSON Path to acquire protobuf from execution context
    		outboundTo: request # JSON path to put the decoded data
    		wrappedMessageEnvelope: true # Decode inbound wrapped in message envelope
    		collectionAsPayload: true # If the message envelope contains a collection then this flow will put the collection as outbound
    		encodingFrom: null # JSON Path to execution value that contains the current encoding of inbound, if it's specified then this flow will only decode the inbound if the value is "proto3"
    	    entity: # The entity to parse the proto definition
    	      label: default
    	      namespace: stock
    	      name: product
  • encodeProtobuf - This flow encodes data to protobuf:
    	kind: Pandora/flowStep
    	  name: encodeProtobuf
    	  type: encodeProtobuf
    	    inboundFrom: response # JSON Path to acquire data from execution context
    		outboundTo: response # JSON path to put the encoded data
    		wrappedMessageEnvelope: true # Wraps the outbound in message envelope
    		encodingFrom: null  # JSON Path to execution value that contains the desired encoding of outbound, if it's specified then this flow will only encode the inbound if the value is "proto3"
    	    entity: # The entity to parse the proto definition
    	      label: default
    	      namespace: stock
    	      name: product