0.0.1-1 • Published 3 years ago

@exporo/tscircle-framework v0.0.1-1

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3 years ago


This repository contains the core code of the tscircle framework. Here is boilerplate to run this framework.

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local development

docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec node bash
$docker:npm install
$docker:npm npm run tests



User.q().where('column', '=', 'foo').first().then((column) => {});

User.updateOrCreate(['column', 'foo'], ['column2', 'newValue']);

User.find(1).then((item) => {});

Migration commands

$npm run migrate:make my_table_creation_description

$npm run migrate:make migrate:latest

$npm run migrate:make migrate:rollback

In the background knex is used.


In the local development environment, the local ./storage folder is used and in an AWS environment the S3 the bucket, created in the Cloudformation script, is used. Flydrive is used as filesystem abstraction manager.

import {Storage} from '@tscricle/framework/storage/storage';

Storage.put('message.txt', 'Hello Node');

Storage.get('message.txt').then((content)=> {console.log(content.toString())});


The docker container amazon/dynamodb-local is used locally. In an AWS environment the generated DynamoDB table is used.

import {Cache} from '@tscricle/framework/cache/cache';

const ttlInSeconds = 60;

Cachce.remember('cache-key', ttlInSeconds, () => { return 'cache-valuee'});


The docker container vsouza/sqs-local is used locally. In an AWS environment the generated SQS queue together with a dead letter queue is used.

import {Queue} from "@tscricle/framework/queue/queue";
import {myJOb} from "../application/jobs/myJob";

return Queue.dispatch(myJOb, {email: 'test'});

TODO improve tests





Base Controller


The base controller automatically calls the handler method.

    handler: application/domain/user/controllers/userDownloadController.restHandler
    - http:
        path: /users/download
        method: GET
import {BaseController} from '@tscricle/framework/http/controllers/baseController';
export class EmailSpecialController extends BaseController {

    constructor() {


exports.restHandler = new EmailSpecialController().setupRestHandler();

Validation can be done like this:

validationSchema = Joi.object().keys({
   name: Joi.string().alphanum().min(3).max(30).required(),

CRUD Controller

https://github.com/tscircle/framework/blob/master/http/controllers/crudController.ts The crud controller automatically performs crud operations on the provided model.

    handler: application/domain/users/controllers/userController.restHandler
    - http:
        path: /users/{id}
        method: ANY
    - http:
        path: /users
        method: ANY
import {CrudController} from '@tscricle/framework/http/controllers/crudController';
import { UserRepository } from "../repositories/userRepository";

export class UserController extends CrudController {
    constructor() {
        super(new UserRepository());

Be careful because the ApiGateway from AWS groups the endpoints by segments, so the same parameters of "/company/{parentId}" and "/company/{parentId}/user/{userId}" like "parentId" cannot be named differently. Also in such a case "/company/{parentId}/user/{userId}" the first parameter must always be "parentId".

  handler: application/domain/company/controllers/companyController.restHandler
  - http:
      path: /company/{parentId}
      method: ANY
      cors: true
  - http:
      path: /company
      method: ANY
      cors: true

  handler: application/domain/company/controllers/companyUserController.restHandler
  - http:
      path: /company/{parentId}/user/{userId}
      method: ANY
      cors: true
  - http:
      path: /company/{parentId}/user
      method: ANY
      cors: true

By default the following routes are created and the corresponding functions are called:

${route}/ =>  this.index
${route}/:id => this.show
${route}/ => this.store
${route}/:id => this.update
${route}/:id => this.remove

Validation can be done like this:

onStoreValidationSchema = userSchema;
onUpdateValidationSchema = editUserSchema;

To handle the lambda response from the extended CrudController class the property hasHandleResponse should be set to true

// controller.ts
export class Controller extends CrudController {
  hasHandleResponse = true; //default: false
// repository.ts
  public async get(id: number, parentId?: number | undefined, event?: APIGatewayProxyEvent | undefined) {

    return {
        body: string,
        statusCode: 200

Custom Routes can be added like this:

    handler: application/domain/users/controllers/userController.restHandler
    - http:
        path: /clients/{id}/wallets/fees/
        method: ANY
    - http:
        path: /clients/{id}/profile/uploadProfilePicture
        method: ANY
import {CrudController} from '@tscricle/framework/http/controllers/crudController';
import { UserRepository } from "../repositories/userRepository";

export class UserController extends CrudController {
    constructor() {
        super(new UserRepository());

		get customRoutes(): CustomRoute[] {
          return [
                route: '/clients/{id}/wallets/fees/',
                httpMethod: 'GET',
                method: this.getWalletsFees
                route: '/clients/{id}/profile/uploadProfilePicture',
                httpMethod: 'POST',
                method: this.uploadProfilePicture

		private getWalletsFees(event) {}
		//for files handler use multipart/form-data
		private uploadProfilePicture(event) {}

State Machine

There is an abstract state machine that can be easily implemented. The state machine is automatically persisted and rehydrated by the database. This State Machine libraray is used: https://xstate.js.org/ Here you can find the abstract state machine: https://github.com/tscircle/framework/blob/master/stateMachine/stateMachine.ts

Database: When creating an instance and executing a transition, the entry in the database is automatically changed. There are two tables: state_machine records the current state of all state machine instances. The table state_machine_history contains every change to a state machine.

To use own tables smRepository and smHistoryRepository can be overwritten in the implementation with own repositories.

protected smRepository: StateMachineRepository = new StateMachineRepository();
protected smHistoryRepository: StateMachineHistoryRepository = new StateMachineHistoryRepository();

Here is an example implementation:

export interface ProcessContext {
    amount: number;
    type: string;

export class processStateMachine extends stateMachine {

    public async create(context: ProcessContext) {
        return super.create(context);

    protected config: MachineConfig<ProcessContext, any, any> = {
        id: 'quiet',
        initial: 'start',
        context: {
            amount: 0,
            type: ' yeah'
        states: {
            start: {
                on: {
                    NEXT: 'waiting'
            waiting: {
                on: {
                    NEXT: 'paid'
            paid: {
                on: {
                    NEXT: 'finished'
            finished: {
                type: 'final'

To create a new State Machine instance:

let sm = new processStateMachine();
await sm.create({
    amount: 1000,
    type: 'prepay',

or to rehydrate the State Machine instance with the ID 12 from the database:

let sm = new processStateMachine();
await sm.load(12);

The following call returns the instance ID:

await sm.getId();

To query the status object of an instance:

await sm.getStatus();

To execute a transition of the instance:

await sm.transition('NEXT');