@extendapps/bestbuyapi v1.0.11
BestBuy - API
A distributable module for BestBuy
connectivity using NetSuite API's
See https://developer.bestbuy.com/ for more details
Stores API
The Best Buy Stores API provides store information for all Best Buy stores in the United States and Puerto Rico. This information includes address, location, hours and services offered.
In addition, store availability of a product can be determined by querying the Products API together with the Stores API. Refer to In Store Availability for more information on these type of queries.
Installation Instructions
npm install --save-dev @extendapps/bestbuyapi
Once installed, you'll need to make this module relative to you code in order to confirm to NetSuite's relative imports
Dev-Ops Suggestions
Add the following commands to the "scripts" section in your package.json
"bestbuyapi-setup": "cd Source; ln -s ../node_modules/\@extendapps/bestbuyapi/"
"bestbuyapi-deploy": "cp Source/bestbuyapi/bestbuyapi.js FileCabinet/PATH_TO_ROOT/",
You'll likley want to add the "bestbuyapi-deploy" command to your build command
Update .gitignore
Add the following to you .gitignore file
Create a symbolic link (Manual)
- Navigate to the root folder of you TypeScript source
ln -s ../node_modules/\@extendapps/bestbuyapi/
This will create a reference to the bestbuyapi folder and allow you to use the appropriate import statement
Exclude from TypeScript output
Add "Source/bestbuyspi" to you 'exclude' array in the tsconfig.json file.
import {BestBuyAPI} from './bestbuyapi';
const bestBuyAPI: BestBuyAPI = new BestBuyAPI();