1.0.0 • Published 12 months ago
@extism/as-pdk v1.0.0
Extism AssemblyScript PDK
npm install @extism/as-pdk@1.0.0-rc1 --save
Compiling to WebAssembly
Use the AssemblyScript compiler, asc
npx asc example.ts --outFile example.wasm --use abort=example/myAbort
Example Usage
import { Host, Var, Config } from '@extism/as-pdk';
function myAbort(
message: string | null,
fileName: string | null,
lineNumber: u32,
columnNumber: u32
): void { }
export function count_vowels(): i32 {
let str = Host.inputString();
var count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
let x: string = str[i];
if (x == 'a' || x == 'A' ||
x == 'e' || x == 'E' ||
x == 'i' || x == 'I' ||
x == 'o' || x == 'O' ||
x == 'u' || x == 'U') {
count += 1;
// Additional plug-in APIs:
// persistent variables (scoped to individual plugin)
var a = Uint8Array.wrap(String.UTF8.encode("this is var a"))
Var.set('a', a);
let data = Var.get('a');
let var_a = (data == null) ? "null" : String.UTF8.decode(data.buffer);
// config, provided by the host
const thing = Config.get("thing");
// write data back to host for use in program
var out = '{"count": ' + count.toString() + ', "config": "' + (thing == null ? "null" : thing) + '", "a": "' + var_a + '"}';
return 0;