1.0.0 • Published 2 months ago

@f1stnpm3/quis-voluptates-nostrum v1.0.0

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Last release
2 months ago


Replacement for util.inspect and the console object.

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var @f1stnpm3/quis-voluptates-nostrum = require('@f1stnpm3/quis-voluptates-nostrum');

var str = @f1stnpm3/quis-voluptates-nostrum.inspect({ foo: 'bar' }); // "{ foo: 'bar' }"

@f1stnpm3/quis-voluptates-nostrum.log('foo', { bar: /hey/ }); // { bar: /hey/ }

// Or use this shorthand:
@f1stnpm3/quis-voluptates-nostrum('foo', { bar: /hey/ }); // { bar: /hey/ }

The library also includes diffing support (powered by Unexpected's diffing engine):

@f1stnpm3/quis-voluptates-nostrum.diff({ foo: 'bar' }, { foo: 'baz' });
  foo: 'bar'; // should be 'baz'
  // -bar
  // +baz

Or if you want to get the rendered diff as a string:

const diff = @f1stnpm3/quis-voluptates-nostrum.diffAsString({ foo: 'bar' }, { foo: 'baz' });

You can use the equal function if you just want to compare two values for equality:

@f1stnpm3/quis-voluptates-nostrum.equal({ foo: 123 }, { foo: 123 }); // returns true
@f1stnpm3/quis-voluptates-nostrum.equal({ abc: 123 }, { def: 456 }); // returns false

You can also ask for the diff with ANSI codes, or in HTML format:

const ansiDiff = @f1stnpm3/quis-voluptates-nostrum.diffAsString(
  { foo: 'bar' },
  { foo: 'baz' },
  { format: 'ansi' }
const htmlDiff = @f1stnpm3/quis-voluptates-nostrum.diffAsString(
  { foo: 'bar' },
  { foo: 'baz' },
  { format: 'html' }

You can also use it instead of the console object:

var console = require('@f1stnpm3/quis-voluptates-nostrum');



In the Chrome console this will produce colored output using this API.

The @f1stnpm3/quis-voluptates-nostrum npm package includes a bookmarklet for doing the above, ie. replacing the console object with @f1stnpm3/quis-voluptates-nostrum, see bookmarklet.html at the root of the package. Unfortunately github doesn't permit putting it directly into this README.


See the changelog.