1.0.5 • Published 6 years ago

@faizrr/react-ranger v1.0.5

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6 years ago

React Ranger 🎛

A headless render-prop component for building range and multi-range sliders in React

  • 2kb gzipped. Wow!
  • Render-Prop pattern allows you to render and style the slider however you want.


  • Codesandbox.io (contains all examples below)
    • Simple
    • Custom Components
    • Multi-Range
    • Custom Steps

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$ yarn add react-ranger
# or
$ npm install --save react-ranger

Sample Usage

The following is a very basic example of a single range input that looks similar to Chrome's default appearance.

import ReactRanger from "react-ranger";

class SimpleExample extends React.Component {
  state = {
    value: 5
  render() {
    const { value } = this.state;
    return (
        onChange={value =>
        {({ getTrackProps, handles }) => (
              style: {
                height: "4px",
                background: "#ddd",
                boxShadow: "inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.6)",
                borderRadius: "2px"
            {handles.map(({ value, active, getHandleProps }) => (
                  style: {
                    width: "12px",
                    height: "12px",
                    borderRadius: "100%",
                      "linear-gradient(to bottom, #eee 45%, #ddd 55%)",
                    border: "solid 1px #888"


  • children: func.isRequired A Function as a child that receives the following props:
    • getTrackProps(userProps): func - A function that takes optional props and returns the combined necessary props for the track component.
    • ticks: array - Ticks to be rendered. Each tick has the following props:
      • value: number - The tick number to be displayed
      • getTickProps(userProps): func - A function that take optional props and returns the combined necessary props for the tick component.
    • segments: array - Segments to be rendered. Each segment has the following props:
      • value: number - The segments ending value
      • getSegmentProps(userProps): func - A function that take optional props and returns the combined necessary props for the segment component.
    • handles: array - Handles to be rendered. Each handle has the following props:
      • value: number - The current value for the handle
      • active: boolean - Denotes if the handle is currently being dragged.
      • getHandleProps(userProps): func - A function that take optional props and returns the combined necessary props for the handle component.
    • activeHandleIndex: oneOfType([null, number]) - The zero-based index of the handle that is currently being dragged, or null if no handle is being dragged.
  • min: number.isRequired - The minimum limit for the range
  • max: number.isRequired - The maximum limit for the range
  • value: oneOfType([number, arrayOf(number)]).isRequired - The current value (or values) for the range
  • interpolator: shape({ getPercentageForValue: PropType.func, getValueForClientX: PropTypes.func}) - Interpolator to use. See Interpolation
  • stepSize: number.isRequired - The distance between selectable steps
  • steps: arrayOf(number) - An array of custom steps to use. This will override stepSize,
  • tickSize: number
  • ticks: arrayOf(number): Default: 10 - An array of custom ticks to use. This will override tickSize,
  • onChange: func - A function that is called with the following parameters:
    • newValue - The new value or values for the range
  • onTrackClick: func - A function that is called when the tracked is clicked with the following parameters:
    • stepValue - The value that was clicked, but rounded to the nearest step.
    • preciseValue - The value that was clicked, with decimal precision.
  • onPress: func - A function that is called when a handle is pressed.
  • onDrag: func - A function that is called when a handled is dragged.
  • onRelease: func - A function that is called when a handle is released.


By default, react-ranger uses linear interpolation between data points. We also provide a logarithmic interpolator and an easy way to create your own.

import ReactRanger, { logInterpolator } from "react-ranger";

One can create their own interpolator by passing an object that implements the interface described below

  // Takes the value & range and returns a percentage [0, 100] where the value sits from left to right
  getPercentageForValue: (val: number, min: number, max: number): number

  // Takes the clientX (offset from the left edge of the ranger) along with the dimensions
  // and range settings and transforms a pixel coordinate back into a value
  getValueForClientX: (clientX: number, trackDims: object, min: number, max: number): number


We are always looking for people to help us grow react-ranger's capabilities and examples. If you have an issue, feature request, or pull request, let us know!


React Ranger uses the MIT license. For more information on this license, click here.


6 years ago