1.1.0 • Published 27 days ago

@fajarkim/github-readme-profile v1.1.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
27 days ago

📌 Features

🎴 Getting Started

Copy-paste this into your markdown content, and that is it. Simple!

Change the ?username= value to your GitHub username.

[![GitHub Stats](https://gh-readme-profile.vercel.app/api?username=FajarKim)](https://github.com/FajarKim/github-readme-profile)

GitHub Stats

🎨 Themes

With inbuilt themes, you can customize the look of the card without doing any manual customization.

Use &theme=THEME_NAME parameter like so:

![GitHub Stats](https://gh-readme-profile.vercel.app/api?username=FajarKim&theme=dark)

All inbuilt themes

GitHub Readme Profile comes with several built-in themes (e.g. transparent, dark, highcontarst).


You can look at a preview for all available themes. You can also contribute new themes if you like, contributing guidelines can be found here.

✏️ Customization

You can customize the appearance of all your cards however you wish with URL parameters.


Use the transparent theme

We have included a transparent theme that has a transparent background. This theme is optimized to look good on GitHub's dark and light default themes. You can enable this theme using the &theme=transparent parameter like so:

![GitHub Stats](https://gh-readme-profile.vercel.app/api?username=FajarKim&theme=transparent)

Add transparent alpha channel to a themes bg_color

You can use the bg_color parameter to make any of the available themes transparent. This is done by setting the bg_color to a color with a transparent alpha channel (i.e. bg_color=00000000):

![GitHub Stats](https://gh-readme-profile.vercel.app/api?username=FajarKim&bg_color=00000000)

Use GitHub's theme context tag

You can use GitHub's theme context tags to switch the theme based on the user GitHub theme automatically. This is done by appending #gh-dark-mode-only or #gh-light-mode-only to the end of an image URL. This tag will define whether the image specified in the markdown is only shown to viewers using a light or a dark GitHub theme:

[![GitHub Stats-Dark](https://gh-readme-profile.vercel.app/api?username=FajarKim&theme=dark#gh-dark-mode-only)](https://github.com/FajarKim/github-readme-profile#gh-dark-mode-only)
[![GitHub Stats-Light](https://gh-readme-profile.vercel.app/api?username=FajarKim&theme=default#gh-light-mode-only)](https://github.com/FajarKim/github-readme-profile#gh-light-mode-only)

Use gradient color

You can use the bg_color parameter to make gradient color. This is done by setting the bg_color with format angle,start,end (comma-separated value).

![GitHub Stats](https://gh-readme-profile.vercel.app/api?username=FajarKim&bg_color=30,e96443,904e95&title_color=fff&text_color=fff&icon_color=fff)

Hiding individual stats

You can pass a query parameter &hide= to hide any specific stats with comma-separated values.

Options: &hide=repos,stars,forks,commits,prs,prs_merged,issues, contributed

![GitHub Stats](https://gh-readme-profile.vercel.app/api?username=FajarKim&hide=repos,forks,prs_merged)

Showing additional individual stats

You can pass a query parameter &show= to show any specific additional stats with comma-separated values

Options: &show=reviews,issues_closed,discussions_started,discussions_answered

![GitHub Stats](https://gh-readme-profile.vercel.app/api?username=FajarKim&show=reviews,issues_closed,discussions_started,discussions_answered)

Available locales

See more available locale. The locale code added to file should be a 2-letter abbreviation from ISO 639-1 or a 4-letter code with a language and country code (eg. id or pt-BR). Anything appearing in the list should be fine. You can also contribute new translations if you like, contributing guidelines can be found here.

![GitHub Stats](https://gh-readme-profile.vercel.app/api?username=FajarKim&locale=id)

📑 License

GitHub Readme Profile is released under the MIT license, which grants the following permissions:

  • Commercial use
  • Modification
  • Distribution
  • Private use

For more convoluted language, see the LICENSE.

Deploy on ▲ Vercel

Step-by-step guide on setting up your own Vercel instance. 1. Go to vercel.com. 2. Click on Log In. 3. Sign in with GitHub by pressing Continue with GitHub. 4. Sign in to GitHub and allow access to all repositories if prompted. 5. Fork this repository. 6. Go back to your Vercel dashboard. 7. To import a project, click the Add New... or + button and select the Project option. 8. Click the Continue with GitHub button, search for the required Git Repository and import it by clicking the Import button. Alternatively, you can import a Third-Party Git Repository using the Import Third-Party Git Repository link at the bottom of the page. 9. Create a personal access token (PAT) here and enable the repo and user permissions (this allows access to see private repo and user stats). 10. Add the PAT as an environment variable named GH_TOKEN_1. 11. Repeat step number 9 and add PAT up to the GH_TOKEN_3 environment variable. 12. In build and output settings, you set install command toggle and add command npm install typescript. 13. Click deploy, and you're good to go. See your domains to use the API!


💳 Credits

This repository contains forked from tuhinpal/readme-stats-github and inspired from anuraghazra/github-readme-stats.

💰 Donate

Love the project? Please consider donating to help it improve!

Are you considering supporting the project by donating to me? Please DO NOT!!

Please visit this link and make a small donation to help the people in need. A small donation goes a long way. ❤️

👥 Contributions

Contributions are welcome!

Specially thanks ❤️ for contributors bellow:

Want to contribute? Please note our contribution guidelines here.
