0.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

@farris/ui-image-cropper v0.0.1

Weekly downloads
Last release
4 years ago


This library was generated with Angular CLI version 7.2.0.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name --project image-cropper to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module --project image-cropper.

Note: Don't forget to add --project image-cropper or else it will be added to the default project in your angular.json file.


Run ng build image-cropper to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.


After building your library with ng build image-cropper, go to the dist folder cd dist/image-cropper and run npm publish.

Running unit tests

Run ng test image-cropper to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.




| Name | Type | Default | Description | | imageChangedEvent | FileEvent | | input file文件上传后的值 | | imageFile | Blob(File)| | 文件 | | imageBase64 | string | | base64格式的图片值 | | imageURL | string | | 图片路径 | | format | string | png | 生成的图片格式 (png, jpeg, webp, bmp, ico) | | aspectRatio | number | 1 / 1 | 裁剪长宽比例 width / height | | maintainAspectRatio | boolean | true | 是否保持默认比例 | | containWithinAspectRatio | boolean | false | 是否在没填满周围填充| | resizeToWidth | number | 0 (disabled) | 裁切后的宽 | | resizeToHeight | number | 0 (disabled) | 裁切后的高 (如果宽设定了 不生效)) | | cropperMinWidth | number | 0 (disabled) | 裁剪器的宽度 | | cropperMinHeight | number | 0 (disabled) | 裁剪器的高度 (保持比例为true 不生效) | | roundCropper | boolean | true | 裁剪器展示形状是否为圆形 | | imageQuality | number | 92 | 图片质量(jpeg,webp生效) | | autoCrop | boolean | true | 是否每次裁剪都发出一个图像 | | alignImage | 'left' or 'center' | 'center' | 图片对齐方式 | | backgroundColor | string | | 设置背景色| | disabled | boolean | false | 是否禁用 | | canvasRotation | number | 0 | 旋转画布角度 (1 = 90deg, 2 = 180deg...) | | transform | ImageTransform | {} | 翻转,旋转和缩放图像 | | loadImageErrorText | sting | 图片加载错误 | 图片加载错误提示内容


| Name | Type | Description | | imageCropped | ImageCroppedEvent | 裁剪结果 | | imageLoaded | void | 图片加载完成 | | cropperReady | Dimensions | 裁剪区域初始化完成 | | startCropImage | void | 开始裁剪 | | loadImageFailed | void | 图片加载失败 |


| Name | Returns | Description | | crop | ImageCroppedEvent | 裁剪(autoCrop:false时使用) |



| Property | Type | Description | | x1 | number | X轴第一个坐标 | | y1 | number | Y轴第一个坐标 | | x2 | number | X轴第二个坐标 | | y2 | number | Y轴第二个坐标 |


| Property | Type | Description | | scale | number | 缩放比例 | | rotate | number | 旋转角度 1 = 90deg | | flipH | boolean | 水平翻转 | | flipV | boolean | 垂直翻转 |


| Property | Type | Description | | base64 | string | 裁剪后图片的base64值 | | width | number | 裁剪后图片宽度 | | height | number | 裁剪后图片高度 | | cropperPosition | CropperPosition | 裁剪后裁剪区相对于图片位置 | | imagePosition | CropperPosition | 裁剪后相对于原图片位置 | | offsetImagePosition | CropperPosition | containWithinAspectRatio为真时,裁剪器相对于原始图像的位置 |


4 years ago