0.0.6 • Published 4 years ago
@felipebutcher/node-os-info v0.0.6
When I needed to get memory, cpu and disk information on NodeJS, I ended up looking for answers on stackoverflow and using multiple packages with some code. I am putting all together here.
The values that this package show are the same as in htop, which were what I was looking for.
Code from others
This project uses this code for CPU calculation.
We also use NodeJS OS module.
The packages systeminformation and
check-disk-space are used for memory and disk calculation.
npm install @felipebutcher/node-os-info
All the three variables (memory, cpu and disk) are a number between 0 and 1, representing the percentage of use of each resource.
const osInfo = require("@felipebutcher/node-os-info");
osInfo.mem(memory => {
console.log("Memory: " + Math.round(memory * 100) + "%");
osInfo.cpu(cpu => {
console.log("CPU: " + Math.round(cpu * 100) + "%");
osInfo.disk(disk => {
console.log("Disk: " + Math.round(disk * 100) + "%");
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