1.0.8 • Published 3 years ago

@fileglass/wooboo v1.0.8

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3 years ago


Fast string formatter on steroids


import Wooboo from "@fileglass/wooboo"

//Create an instance
const formatter = new Wooboo("CATS");

const output = await formatter.fmt("Hello, my name is {name} and I like {insert_cats}", {
	"name": {value: "wooboo", modifiers: [new Wooboo.Modifiers.CapitalizeFirst()]},
	"insert_cats": {value: "cats"}

console.log(output) //Hello, my name is Wooboo and I like cats

Modifying by array

const formatter = new Wooboo("CATS");
const formatted = formatter.fmtArr("I love $0, because $1", ["cats", "they are cute"])
console.log(formatted) // I love cats, because they are cute

Using the built-in modifiers

There are a few built in modifiers, they are stored in the Wooboo.Modifiers static property. (NOTE: Whole string means the value property of the current token) UpperCase: Uppercases the whole string LowerCase: Lowercases the whole string CapitalizeFirst: Capitalizes the first letter of the string Localizer: Utility to resolve locales (explained below)

Applying modifiers:

Every token accepts a modifiers array (example above)

Creating custom modifiers:

Every modifier has to implement the WooboModifier interface, exported from the root of the module. The execute method can return a string, or a Promise with a string. Example:

export default class Localizer implements WooboModifier {
    constructor(private readonly locales: { [key: string]: Map<string, string> }) {}
    execute(val: string, rawValue: string | number | boolean, token: string, rawString: string, originalValue: string | number | boolean, self: Wooboo): string {
            const locale = self.getMeta("LOCALE") as string
            return this.locales[locale].get(token) || token


val: The stringified value passed to the value property rawValue: The raw value passed to the value property token: The token without the {} rawString: The whole string inputted into the formatter originalValue: The original value of value before any modifiers were applied self: The class that the current modifier is executed in

Using the Localizer modifier


import Wooboo from "@fileglass/woobo"
// Create locales
const englishLocales = new Map<string, string>()
const hungarianLocales = new Map<string, string>()
englishLocales.set("number_disp", "The number is")
hungarianLocales.set("number_disp", "A szám")
const locales = {["en"]: englishLocales, ["hu"]: hungarianLocales}

// Initiate the formatter
const localeFormatter = new Wooboo("LOCALIZER")
localeFormatter.setMeta("LOCALE", "en") // Set metadata for the formatter (the modifier will get the current locale from this)
async function format() {
	return await localeFormatter.fmt("{number_disp}: {number}", {
		"number": {value: Math.random()},
		"number_disp": {value: "can be ignored, the localizer will take care of it", modifiers: [new Wooboo.Modifiers.Localizer(locales)]}

format().then(result => console.log(result)) // The number is: [random number between 0 and 1]
localeFormatter.setMeta("LOCALE", "hu") // Update the locale to Hungarian
format().then(result => console.log(result)) // A szám: [random number between 0 and 1]

Reusing formatters

If you want to nest formatters, or use them across different files, Wooboo exposes a few utility functions to achieve this in an elegant way.

Using the resolveRef utility


import {resolveRef} from "@fileglass/woobo"

const localizer = resolveRef("LOCALIZER")! // Resolve the reference to the `LOCALIZER` formatter, and mark it as defined
localizer.setMeta("LOCALE", "en") // Change back the locale to English

async function format() {
	return await localeFormatter.fmt("{number_disp}: {number}", {
		"number": {value: Math.random()},
		"number_disp": {value: "can be ignored, the localizer will take care of it", modifiers: [new Wooboo.Modifiers.Localizer(locales)]}
format().then(result => console.log(result)) // The number is: [random number between 0 and 1]

Using the resolveFormatter method in an existing instance


import Wooboo from "@fileglass/woobo"

const myFormatter = new Wooboo("MY_FORMATTER")
const localizer = myFormatter.resolveFormatter("LOCALIZER")

Use cases: Nesting formatters in custom modifiers (self argument) Avoiding useless imports where possible



import {WooboModifier} from "@fileglass/wooboo"

export class MyModifier implements WooboModifier {
execute(val: string, rawValue: string | number | boolean, token: string, rawString: string, originalValue: string | number | boolean, self: Wooboo): string {
const localizer = self.resolveFormatter("LOCALIZER")
	const locale = localizer.getMeta("LOCALE")
	// Do actions based on the current locale

Using the Localizer efficiently (global modifiers)

While the examples above work, always passing modifiers: [new Localizer(locales)] can get tedious. To avoid this, Wooboo has a feature called global modifiers. Global modifiers will be called on every token in the current class.

Applying global modifiers
const localizer = new Wooboo.Modifiers.Localizer(locales, "LOC_")
const localeFormatter = new Wooboo("LOCALE", [{modifier: localizer, match: "LOC_*"}])

The code above: 1. Creates a new Localizer instance, assigns the LOC_ prefix to every locale passed to it 2. Creates a new formatter instance, and sets the previously created Localizer instance as a global modifier

What does match mean?

The match property defines a pattern, that if matched (on the token, not on the input string) will trigger the modifier. (How to match patterns) In the example above, everything that starts with LOC_ will be matched. (Thats why we prefixed all the locales with LOC_)


  1. The Localizer class exposes a hook called usePrefixer that will prefix/format the string based on the prefix/formatter passed to the constructor
  2. There are use cases where you might want to use more advanced prefixes, in these cases the constructor accepts a function as the prefix, that will be called on every locale.


Params: locale: The locale key (the inputted string if used from the hook) value: The locale value in the current language (false if used from the hook ) lang: The current locale language that the function is being executed on (undefined if used from the hook)

const localizer = new Wooboo.Modifiers.Localizer(locales, (locale, value, lang) => {
	return `LOC_${locale}`

3 years ago


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3 years ago