0.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

@fleet-io/fleet-cli v0.1.0

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5 years ago

Function-Level Entrypoint and Endpoint Technology CLI For NodeJS

fleet is a platform that enables quick and easy management and provisioning of serverless applications.

fleet-cli for NodeJS allows you to quickly create, deploy, and manage serverless applications to cloud providers such as AWS. You can easily create an AWS Lambda function, create an AWS S3 static hosted website for a front-end, and centrally manage these resources.

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  • Your environment will need access to your AWS account in order to deploy
  • NodeJS (8.5+)


  • npm i -g fleet-cli


Calling fleet-cli init <appName> in your terminal will initialize your local fleet environment. This environment will come with a fleet.json configuration file and will create your application's routes directory.

# fleet-cli init <appName>
$ fleet-cli init myFleetApp

Once your environment has been created, you can make a new route using the CLI. A route is a serverless application that runs your code and can be triggered by various services, such as an API Gateway. Call the new-route command and supply the unique route name, definition of the route, and the type of route (e.g. GET, POST). The route definition provides your API with a URL structure (e.g. http://example.com/admin/users/1 would be admin/users/:id and would define a route for getting users by their ID). The unique route name will provide an identifier for this route and will be used to create your route's local code folder.

# fleet-cli new-route <routeName> <routeDefinition> <type>
$ fleet-cli new-route getFleetCount fleetcount GET

This will create a new folder in your local environment called routes/getFleetCount with a route stub ready for editing and deployment.

# Within routes/getFleetCount directory
$ index.js package.json

At this point you can modify the code within this route's index.js to your liking. If you want to add node modules, you can cd into the directory and npm install. You can deploy this route to your remote fleet application using the fleet CLI. This will setup various services such as API Gateway, Lambda, IAM Roles/Policies, etc.

# fleet-cli deploy-route <routeName>
$ fleet-cli deploy-route getFleetCount
$ getFleetCount route has been deployed to your application at http://example.com/fleetcount

You can update your remote route at anytime by using the same fleet-cli deploy-route <routeName> command.

You can run a route locally using the fleet-cli run-route <routeName> command.

$ fleet-cli run getFleetCount
Hello new Route!


To remove a deployed route, simply call the undeploy-route command. This will remove the specified route and any unused resources.

$ fleet-cli undeploy-route getFleetCount


To get information about your current fleet application's routes, you can use the following commands:

$ fleet-cli inspect-routes
║ NAME          │ API PATH   │ FILE PATH              │ TYPE │ DEPLOYED ║
║ getFleetCount │ fleetcount │ ./routes/getFleetCount │ GET  │ true     ║
$ fleet-cli inspect-route getFleetCount --property url

Using fleet's inspect commands will help you manage your application, allowing you to track deployment information, versioning, and more.

Build fleet-cli-nodejs Locally

To build fleet-cli from source and run locally, run the following commands:

# clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/fleet-io/fleet-cli-nodejs.git

# cd into the cloned directory
$ cd fleet-cli-nodejs

# install npm modules
$ npm install

# run fleet-cli using node
$ node .\bin\fleet-cli --version