1.0.4 • Published 1 year ago

@fordi-org/bsimp v1.0.4

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1 year ago


A boolean expression simplifier



Convert a string representation of a logical expression into an expression object

import { parse } from '@fordi-org/bsimp/parse';

  Symbol( ∪ ),
  [ Symbol( ∩ ), Symbol(A), [ Symbol(!), Symbol(B) ] ]


Convert an expression object into a string

import { parse, toString, SET } from '@fordi-org/bsimp';

console.log(toString(parse('A+A!B'), SET));
console.log(toString(parse('A+A!B'), LOGIC));
console.log(toString(parse('A+A!B'), POLISH));
console.log(toString(parse('A+A!B'), SOURCE));
A ∪ (A ∖ B)
(∪ A (∩ A !B))
[OR, A, [AND, A, [NOT, B]]]

simplify(expression, [steps])

Simplify a symbolized boolean expression. Optionally, pass an array to collect steps.

import { simplify, parse, toString, LOGIC } from '@fordi-org/bsimp/simplify';

const toSimplify = [

const result = toSimplify.map(expStr => {
  const exp = parse(expStr);
  const steps = [];
  const simple = simplify(exp, steps);
  return {
    simplified: toString(simple, LOGIC),

    simplified: 'A+B+C',
    steps: [
        [OR, A, [AND, B, [NOT, C]], [AND, C, [NOT, A]]],
        [OR, A, C, B]
    simplified: 'AB+A!C+B!C',
    steps: [...],

The structure of a step is a tuple of transform, parentOperation, fromExpr, toExpr.


Convert a string into a symbol. For AND, OR, NOT, TRUE, and FALSE, this will convert the string to the internal symbol. For any other string, you'll get term(termStr).


Convert a string into a symbol. For any previously named term, you'll get the same symbol back for the same input string (this differs from how Symbol(termStr) works, in that every Symbol that is created is unique).

Expression Objects


That is, it's an array where the first element must be an Operator, and all the following symbols must be Operands. Operators are the symbols AND, OR, and NOT (exported from @fordi-org/bsimp). Operands can be the symbols TRUE or FALSE, another Expression, or any user-defined Symbol.

Expression strings

The grammar is very forgiving, and allows the use of the following:

Polish notation



"(and A B C)" becomes [AND, A, B, C]

Infix notation

{TERM} ({OP} {TERM})*


(P | Q | R) becomes [OR, P, Q, R]


The parser understands Ternary expressions, and the CODE stringifier knows how to convert expressions to them, however, they are expressed as a logical combination of AND, OR, and NOT. A ternary, if you're unaware, is like an if / then / else statment, where each piece is a term.

So, C ? T : F evaluates to [OR, [AND, C, T], [AND, [NOT, C], F]]. You can nest ternaries, but they must be grouped to avoid ambiguity.

Support for ternaries is meant to be an assist in passing expressions into the simplifier - while the CODE stringifier can identify and subsume the simple form of this pattern, nested ternaries will usually be simplified into something the CODE stringifier cannot identify (for example, a ? (b ? c : d) : e will become (a && b && c) || (e && !a) || (a && !b && d), which is not ideal).

I may work more on this, but ternary support was initially meant to be for input.

Implicit AND



XYZ becomes [AND, X, Y, Z]

Note: because of the need for implicit AND, the parser limits terms to single-letter, case-sensitive. The simplifier is not so-limited, and you can do something like this:

const [a, b] = [
const simple = simplify([OR, a, [AND, a, [NOT, b]]]);

The two use cases I had in mind were a boolean simplifier for linters (where the linter could choose completely random symbol names), and an on-page logic simplifier widget (where a user can enter tight logic strings and get back their simplification).

Development concerns

To run the test suite:

npm run test

To compile the boolean grammar:

npm run build:peg

To build the whole thing:

npm run build