0.0.3 • Published 5 years ago
@fortjs/fort v0.0.3
Goal: Full Stack web framework for rapid development of back office applications
Stack: React, TypeScript, Node.js
- Security (XSS, CSP, etc.)
- Background Worker
- File Uploads
- Translations
- Configuration (Database, Env. Variables, Files)
- Logging (Console, Database, File, Application Insights)
- Telemetry (Database, Application Insights, Google Analytics)
- Database Access (Postgres, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle)
- E-mail (SMTP, Mailgun)
- use templates
- sync/async operation
- Authentication (Email + Password, Facebook, Google, GitHub, Azure AD, Generic OAuth)
- Form/API Validation
- UI
- Ready to use components
- Ready to use page structure
- Mobile-ready
- Admin Dashboard
- Theme-able / Customizable CSS
- Ready to use UI for RBAC, Log Viewer, Background Worker