1.0.3 • Published 6 years ago

@fractulus/cli v1.0.3

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6 years ago

Fractulus CLI

A command line interface for Fractulus


hbf new

The Fractulus CLI makes it easy to create an application that already works, right out of the box. It already follows fractal best practices!

# Creates new app "awesome-application" under current working directory
> hbf new "Awesome Application"
# Alias
> hbf n "Awesome Application"
# Skip installation of node modules
> hbf n "Awesome Application" -s
# Help & Options
> hbf new --help

hbf create-component

Generate components with a simple command. The CLI will also create simple test shells for them.

# Creates a component "hello-world" under "./src/app/components"
> hbf create-component "Hello World"
# Alias
> hbf cc "Hello World"
# Help & Options
> hbf cc --help

hbf create-page

Generate pages with a simple command.

# Creates a page "homepage" under "./src/app/pages"
> hbf create-page "Homepage"
# Alias
> hbf cp "Homepage"
# Help & Options
> hbf cp --help

hbf serve

Easily test your app locally while developing.

# Serve locally
> hbf serve
# Serve in production mode
> hbf serve -p
# Watch files
> hbf serve -w
# Generate source maps
> hbf serve -s
# Help & Options
> hbf serve --help

hbf build

Compiles the application into an output directory. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory

# Build for deployment
> hbf build
# Build production
> hbf build -p
# Generate source maps
> hbf build -s
# Help & Options
> hbf build --help