1.0.0 • Published 7 months ago

@freddydrodev/written-number v1.0.0

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Convert numbers to words - their written form.


With npm:

npm install --save @freddydrodev/written-number

With bower:

bower install @freddydrodev/written-number


import { WrittenNumber } from "written-number";
import { EN, Es } from "written-number/i18n";

const Converter = new WrittenNumber({ language: EN });
Converter.convert(1234); // => 'one thousand two hundred and thirty-four'

Converter.setOptions({ language: Es });
Converter.convert(4758); // => 'cuatro mil setecientos cincuenta y ocho'


  • noAnd - Defaults to false. Determines whether to use a separator. The separator is internationalized.
  • lang - Could be string or object. Defaults to 'en'. Determines which language to use. An i18n configuration object may be passed to support external language definitions.

Currently supported languages are:

Portuguese (Brazil)Pt
Portuguese (Portugal)PtPT
English (Indian)EnIndian


Configure your own language

Each language has its own unique grammar exceptions. You can create your own language.json file in the folder "i18n" and give writtenNumber support for it. I don't think the current scheme and logic cover all the cases, but may be cover some.

The following parameters have been used for the currently available languages:

Language parameters

useLongScalebooleanIndicates if it uses long or short scale.This differs the meaning of the words billion, trillion and so on.
baseSeparatorstringSeparates the base cardinal numbers.29 -> twenty-eight. Spanish uses the connector " y "
unitSeparatorstringSeparates the units from the last base cardinal numbers.1234 -> one thousand two hundred and thirty-four
allSeparatorstringSeparates all cardinals, not only the last one.1125 -> ألف ومائة وخمسة وعشرون
baseObjectBase cardinals numbers. Numbers that have unique names and are used to build others.
alternativeBaseObjectAlternative versions of base cardinals numbers for usage with specific units. These bases will be treated as an extension for the default base."alternativeBase": { "feminine": {"1":"одна","2":"дві"} }
unitsArrayA list of number units (string or Object). Gives support to singular, dual an plural units. Check the Object parameters below.
unitExceptionsObjectSometimes grammar exceptions affect the base cardinal joined to the unit. You can set specific exceptions to any base cardinal number.Converting 1232000 in Spanish: Without Exception (Wrong): -> uno millón doscientos treinta y dos mil With Exception: -> un millón doscientos treinta y dos mil

Units parameters

A unit can be:

  • A simple string. e.g. "hundred"
  • An Object with multiple parameters:
Unit parameterDescriptione.g. of languages
singularOne element.All
dualTwo elements.ar
pluralTwo or more elements. (or 3 or more)All
fewBetween 2 and 4 including.uk
useAlternativeBaseOverwrites default base.uk
useBaseInsteadUse the base cardinal number instead.es,hu,pt
useBaseExceptionSpecify with which unit (1 to 9) you don't want to use the base, and instead use the regular behavior.es,hu,pt
avoidPrefixExceptionUnits not using the base cardinal number prefix for unit 1.id,tr,it
avoidInNumberPluralUnits not using the plural form with trailing numbers other than 0.fr
restrictedPluralPlural only for 3 to 10. Singular if >= 11.ar
useSingularEndingUse singular form for numbers ending with 1.uk
useFewEndingUse few form for numbers ending with 2, 3 or 4.uk
avoidEndingRulesPlural form used instead of useSingularEnding and useFewEndinguk


Do your changes and submit a PR. If you've write access and want to bump the version, run mversion [major|minor|patch] -m. That'll bump both bower.json and package.json.


This code is licensed under the MIT license for Pedro Tacla Yamada. For more information, please refer to the LICENSE file.