2.3.0 • Published 4 months ago
@fredybustos/usenotify v2.3.0
useNotify is a component for easily displaying notifications. This package uses React > 18 and ReactDOM > 18. ReactDom 18 changed the rendering method of applications. You only need to update the render method.
// Before
import { render } from 'react-dom';
render(<App tab="home" />, domElement);
// After
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
createRoot(domElement).render(<App tab="home" />)
Use npm to install this package.
Install from the command line:
npm i @fredybustos/usenotify
npx i @fredybustos/usenotify
There are two ways to use it: as a custom useNotify hook or as a Notify component.
As a custom hook:
import { useNotify } from "@fredybustos/usenotify"
const App () => {
const { notifySuccess, notifyError, notifyWarn, notifyInfo } = useNotify()
const handleNotify = () => notifySuccess("Notification")
// It is possible to add some properties to customize it.
const handleNotify = () => {
notifyError("Notification", {
duration: 1000,
bgcolor: #fff,
color: #000,
position: 'top'
onClose: handleClose()
component: ({ message, type, options }) => <CustomComponent>{message}</CustomComponent>
return (
<button onClick={handleNotify}>Show notification</button>
As a component:
import { useState } from "react"
import { Notify } from "@fredybustos/usenotify"
const App () => {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false)
return (
<button onClick={() => setIsOpen(!isOpen)}>Show notification</button>
{isOpen && (
<Notify message="Notification" type="success" />
// with options
duration: 1000,
bgcolor: #fff,
color: #000,
position: 'topRight'
onClose: handleClose()
component: ({ message, type, options }) => <CustomComponent>{message}</CustomComponent>
- Text to show in the notification when is displayed. Required
- It is required when used as a component. There are a few possibilities to choose from:
success | error | warning | information
- duration: the time in milliseconds the notification is displayed. The default value is 5000.
- bgcolor: change the background color if you want to override the default color. The background color depends on the
property. - color: change the text color.
- position: choose one of the following positions:
top | topRight | topLeft | bottom | bottomRight | bottomLeft
. The default position istop
- onClose: callback function triggered when the notification is closed, it receives an
parameter. - component: custom component to override the default styles.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.