0.1.10 • Published 3 years ago

@frondjs/dev-ops v0.1.10

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Last release
3 years ago

FrondJS Dev Ops Package

Build, test and distribute with Frond!

OS Dependencies

  1. tar
  2. openssl
  3. rsync
  4. md5sum
  5. gitflow-avh (If you use git in your project.)

On mac, just install: 1. brew install md5sha1sum 2. brew install gitflow-avh

It will create ~/.frondjs directory and will install @frondjs/dev-server package upon installation.


npm i -g @frondjs/dev-ops

Create A Project

You project may or may not have git. Frond just has features for git based development but it is okey if you'r not using it.

frond create


Frond keep configuration files inside ~/.frondjs folder. There should be a config file for each environment you work. Default values are inside ~/.frondjs/project-name-development.config.json. There is also a ~/.frondjs/project-name-production.config.json file. These two files generated automatically by create script for convenience. Configuration params are loaded by the excellent https://github.com/mozilla/node-convict library according to the environment you specify while sending commands. (NODE_ENV=production frond deploy for example.) The default value for the environment is development.

Configure For Development

Important settings while working with development environment:

  // Production url setting is used by ssr script and can also be used inside the app config.
  "produrl": "https://yoursite.com",
  // Local server will be available on this port.
  "port": ":8080"

Configure For Production And Any Other Environment

Important settings while working with production (and any other) environment:

  // Production url setting is used by ssr script and can also be used inside the app config.
  "produrl": "https://yoursite.com",
  // Versioning scheme is calver or semver.
  "versioningScheme": "calver",
  // You may change the format according to the scheme.
  "versioningFormat": "yy.mm.micro.dev",
  // ssh remote server connection string
  "serverConnStr": "user@ip",
  // The path that holds all deploys in the remote server
  "serverDistPath": "/home/user/dist",
  // ssh remote server connection string for sudo based operations
  "serverSudoConnStr": "sudo_user@ip",
  // Email address that will be pass to the certbot while issuing ssl certs.
  "certbotEmail": "murat@gozel.com.tr",
  // Release announcements will be made in this language. (en or tr)
  "devopsLanguage": "en",
  // Email addresses that will receive release announcements.
  "releaseRecipients": "email1,email2,email3",

  // Configure aws ses for sending email
  "awsSesSender": "",
  "awsSesRegion": "",
  "awsSesAccessKeyId": "",
  "awsSesSecretAccessKey": "",

  // Configure gmail for sending email
  "gmailSender": "",
  "gcloudProject": "",
  "gmailApplicationCredentials": ""

Configure GIT

Frond supports both https://github.com/muratgozel/node-calver and https://github.com/npm/node-semver as versioning scheme. The default scheme is calver and the default format is yy.mm.micro.dev. You can change these settings in the config file.

First of all, make sure that your git tool configured correctly:

git config --global user.email "your@email.address"
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global core.editor 'vim'

Start Developing

If your project based on git, create a release tag before making any changes:

frond git --release --tag=dev

dev is the default tag when you don't specify the tag flag according to your versioning format. After this command execution, the new version of your project will be something like 21.3.0-dev.1. If we were specified micro as tag, then it would be 21.3.1

To learn more about the conventions in naming tags, please refer the documentation of node-calver and node-semver libraries.

Start developing:

frond develop

This will start development server and app will reload itself on any change in the codebase.

When you'r done with the changes finish the release:

frond git --release --finish

If you have enabled auto-deploy, frond will deploy your project and it will be available at some domain according to the settings you set in project config.

Initial Deploy

frond ideploy


NODE_ENV=production frond deploy


NODE_ENV=production frond announce