0.1.1 • Published 5 years ago

@frontendart/smdb-api v0.1.1

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Last release
5 years ago


This library contains various services that help connecting to and getting data from SMDB system. It can be used as a stand-alone dependency or together with the smdb-widgets library.

Using the library

If you want to use the library in your project, you have to import the SmdbApiModule through its .forRoot() method like below:

import {SmdbApiModule} from '@frontendart/smdb-api';

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports:      [   
  providers:    [],
  bootstrap:    [SmdbAppComponent]
export class AppModule {

After importing the SmdbApiModule, you will be able to inject the SmdbApiService service as usual:

export class SampleComponent {

  constructor(private smdbApi: SmdbApiService) { }

Then, you will be able to use the various service calls that the API provides.


To reduce traffic, the lib can be configured to use an internal HTTP request caching mechanism that stores responses for a given URL for a short (or not-so-short) time. This is turned on by default, but can be turned off (and configured further - see below) when importing the SmdbApiModule.

The implementation is an HttpInterceptor that listens for every HTTP request and checks the URL if it has been previously visited. Request-response data is stored in a simple Map data structure.


There are some options you can configure the library:

OptionTypeExplanationDefault value
cache.enabledbooleanTurn caching on/offtrue
cache.urlstring | string[]URL pattern(s) which the caching should be made on. It must be a valid RegEx expression (e.g. new RegEx(url)), and it can be a single string or an arrayapi
cache.expirationnumberExpiry time in seconds60
baseUrlstringURL of the SMDB APIhttp://smdb-prod.frontendart.com/api

If you use the SmdbApiModule.forRoot() syntax like above, you will have the library configured with the default values in the table. If you want to customize some (or all) options, you should import the module like this:

                          cache:   {
                              enabled:    true,
                              expiration: 60000,
                              url:        'api'
                            baseUrl: 'http://smdb-prod.frontendart.com/api'


Currently, there is a single service file called smdb-api-service.ts. Every possible API calls should be placed here. The general form of calling an API method through the service is by calling the sendGet() or sendPost() methods of the class. The signature of these methods are very similar: they take a number of parameters and return an Observable that the caller can subscribe to. Possible parameters are:

  • url: string - the path of the API (without the base URL)
  • params|body: any - query parameters (GET) or request body (POST/PUT)
  • tokenDetails: TokenDetails - the user's API token
  • transform: function - a transform function to process the API response. Defaults to return the data property

The exact format is:

(url: string, 
 params?: any, 
 tokenDetails?: TokenDetails, 
 transform: (data) => any = (data) => data.data): Observable<any>


Run ng build smdb-api to build the project. Be sure you are in the project main directory. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.

Running unit tests

Run ng test smdb-api to execute the unit tests via Karma.