1.0.7 • Published 22 days ago

@galxe-identity-protocol/sdk v1.0.7

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22 days ago

Galxe Protocol SDK


This is Galxe protocol's typescript SDK, compatible with both node and browser.

The package is built with both esm and cjs modules. A browser version (fully-bundled, very large) is also available under dist/browser.

For more information, please refer to the docs.

For developers

Node Version

Developers should use the current LTS version of node. Currently, node v20.11.1.

# For nvm users:
nvm install --lts
nvm use --lts


Install dependencies:

corepack enable
corepack install

Coding conventions

uint256 encoding

When encoding uint256 into two uint128(s), the order must be msb, lsb. This should apply to both claim values, circom generation for claim values and statements.

Zero value is the null value

Zero value is consider to be the null value in the following cases:

  1. For property type, value 0 is considered to represent null. Issuers should not issue credential with any property-typed claims being 0.
  2. For Signature ID, 0 is also an invalid value. For revocable credential with signature ID 0, they are considered to be non-revocable, meaning that they generate proof against any revocation tree root hash, because the verification will be skipped.
  3. For revocable credentials, the merkle root 0 meaning that no credential has been revoked. Circuit will skip merkle proof verification when the root is 0.


For better bundling experience for end users, we make manually copied the browser bundled version of eta into site-packages.