0.0.13 • Published 4 months ago

@gamechanger/eslint-plugin v0.0.13

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Last release
4 months ago

Gamechanger JS/TS linting rules

Updating ES-Lint

Follow these steps to make updates to lint tools: 1. Make your updates locally. Be sure to run yarn to update lock files. 2. After your package version updates are made, be sure to update the package.json version. Ex: "version": "0.0.11" -> "version": "0.0.12" 3. Create tag a. After merging your change, create a tag locally b. switch to master branch and git pull origin master c. create the tag: git tag vx.x.xx (replace with your version number) d. push your tag: git push origin vx.x.xx (replace with your version number) e. This will trigger the Publish workflow to push the new package.

  1. In Eden, you can now update @gamechanger/eslint-plugin with the appropriate version number