0.0.1-2 • Published 4 years ago

@gamfi/flydrive v0.0.1-2

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Last release
4 years ago

flydrive is a framework-agnostic package which provides a powerful wrapper to manage file Storage in Node.js.

There are currently 4 storage drivers available:

  • 'local': Stores files on the local file system.
  • 's3': Amazon S3 and other compatible services
    • You need to install the aws-sdk package to be able to use this driver.
    • This driver is compatible with DigitalOcean Spaces and Scaleway Object Storage.
  • 'gcs': Google Cloud Storage
    • You need to install the @google-cloud/storage package to be able to use this driver.
  • 'azureBlob': Azure Block Blob Storage
    • You need to install the @azure/storage-blob package to be able to use this driver.

Getting Started

This package is available in the npm registry. It can easily be installed with npm or yarn.

$ npm i @slynova/flydrive
# or
$ yarn add @slynova/flydrive

When you require the package in your file, it will give you access to the StorageManager class. This class is a facade for the package and should be instantiated with a configuration object.

const { StorageManager } = require('@slynova/flydrive');
const config = {
    default: 'awsCloud',
    disks: {
		awsCloud: {
			driver: 's3',
			key: 'AWS_S3_KEY',
			secret: 'AWS_S3_SECRET',
			region: 'AWS_S3_REGION',
			bucket: 'AWS_S3_BUCKET',
const storageManager = new StorageManager(config);

Once you instantiated the manager, you can use the StorageManager#disk() method to retrieve a disk an use it.

storageManager.disk(); // Returns the default disk (specified in the config)
storageManager.disk('awsCloud'); // Returns the driver for the disk "s3"

Storages' API

You can access storage classes directly, by importing them from @slynova/flydrive

const S3 = require("aws-sdk/clients/s3");
const { AmazonWebServicesS3Storage } = require('@slynova/flydrive');
const s3 = new S3(/* ... */);
const storage = new AmazonWebServicesS3Storage(s3, 'bucket');

Each storage extends the abstract class Storage.

The following method doesn't exist on the LocalStorage storage, therefore, it will throw an exception.

// throws "E_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED: Method getSignedUrl is not supported for the driver LocalFileSystem"

Response interface

Asynchronous methods will always return a Promise which resolves with a Response object. The response object may contain relevant data in its properties (for example, the ExistsResponse object for the exists method contains a boolean exists property).

All responses additionally have a raw property which is driver-specific and contains the result from the original call made by the driver.


In case of runtime errors, flydrive will try to throw driver-agnostic exceptions.
Exceptions also have a raw property which contains the original error.


This method will copy a file within same storage and bucket to another location.

await storage.copy('foo.txt', 'bar.txt');
// foo.txt was copied to bar.txt

This method will delete the file at the given location.

await storage.delete('foo.txt');
// foo.txt has been deleted

This method will determine if a file exists at the given location.

const { exists } = await storage.exists('foo.txt');
// exists is true or false

This method will return a complete list of files whose path starts with the prefix.

for await (const file of storage.disk().flatList('prefix/')) {
    console.log(`foobar of ${file.path}: ${file.metadata.foobar}');

This method will return the file's content as a Buffer for the given location.

const { content, properties } = await storage.getBuffer('foo.txt');

This method will return the signed url for an existing file.

const { signedUrl } = await storage.getSignedUrl('foo.txt');

This method will return the files properties, including content-type, length, locale and custom metadata as set when file was saved.

const { contentType, contentLength, metadata } = await storage.getProperties('foo.txt');

This method will return a Node.js readable stream for the given file.

const stream = storage.getStream('foo.txt');

This method will return a public URL for a given file.

// Not supported by 'local' storage

const uri = storage.getUrl('foo.txt');

This method will move the file to a new location.

await storage.move('foo.txt', 'newFolder/foo.txt');

This method will create a new file with the provided content.

await storage.put('bar.txt', 'Foobar', {contentType: 'plain/text', metadata: {customKey: 'value'}});

Contribution Guidelines

Any pull requests or discussions are welcome. Note that every pull request providing new feature or correcting a bug should be created with appropriate unit tests.