1.0.2 • Published 5 years ago

@geordiep/h_tlrouter v1.0.2

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5 years ago

Hyperapp Top-Level Router


Tiny higher-order app providing top-level routing for Hyperapp.

The offical router (@hyperapp/router) was overkill for one of my use cases, and this simple alternative gets the job done.

This module...

  • Switch between top-level components according to app state
  • Allow navigation between top-level components from anywhere you can render a Link component
  • Make an effort to stay out of your way
Does Not
  • Use the browser history API (location only maintained in app state) (this may change)
  • Sanitize route strings (/example/ will not match a route /example) (this may change)
  • Implement redirects, URL parameters, nested routes, or many other features you may need


  • yarn add @geordiep/h_tlrouter or npm i @geordiep/h_tlrouter


Step-by-step (Full single-file app example available later in this README):

  • Import Router and higher-order app (HOA) function into app entrypoint file
import { Router, withTlRouter } from '@geordiep/h_tlrouter'
  • Set up router component
// Map each route string to the component it should render.
// This object acts as your top-level view, passed to hyperapp.app()
const router = Router({
  '/': IndexPg,
  '/details': DetailsPg
  • Call HOA function to create your app. Partially applied function takes the same args as hyperapp.app(). Pass the above router object as the view argument.
const dispatch = withTlRouter(app)(
  • Render Link components inside any components that should link elsewhere
import { Link } from '@geordiep/h_tlrouter'

const myComponent = (state, actions) => (
    <Link to='/details'>See Details</Link>

That's it!

Test App

An example multi-file app using the module is provided in the repository under test/test-app/. To run it from this repository, follow these steps:

  • Clone repo
git clone https://github.com/GeordieP/h_tlrouter.git
  • Install dependencies
npm i
  • Run webpack-dev-server on configuration file test/test-app/webpack.testapp.js
npm run dev

Full App Example

Example of a working (single file) app using the module.

See "point of interest" comments for the use of module features.

import { app, h } from 'hyperapp'
import { Router, withTlRouter, Link } from '@geordiep/h_tlrouter'

// Components
const IndexPg = (state, actions) => (
    <NavBar />
    <h1>Index Page</h1>
    <p>Date: { state.date }</p>

const DetailsPg = (state, actions) => (
    <NavBar />
    <h1>Details Page</h1>
    <p>Date: { state.date }</p>
    <button onclick={ actions.refreshDate }>Refresh Date</button>

/*** Point Of Interest ***/
/// Using the router Link component
const NavBar = () => (
    <Link to='/'>Home</Link>
    <Link to='/details'>Details</Link>

// app state and actions
const stateBase = { date: '' }
const actionsBase = { refreshDate: () => ({ date: new Date().toGMTString() }) }

/*** Point Of Interest ***/
/// Creating the router
// Map each route string to the component it should render.
// This object acts as your top-level view, passed to hyperapp.app()
const router = Router({
  '/': IndexPg,
  '/details': DetailsPg

/*** Point Of Interest ***/
/// Creating app using provided HOA function, passing router object as view
const dispatch = withTlRouter(app)(

// Initially call refresh action