1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

@goodcastle/reaction-dummy-data v1.0.0

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Last release
4 years ago


npm (scoped)

Generates dummy data (products, tags & orders) for Reaction Commerce.

How to use

First, install the package in your project's reaction (API) directory:

npm install --save-dev @goodcastle/reaction-dummy-data

Then, register the plugin in your project's reaction/src/registerPlugins.js, calling the function at the end of the file:

import registerDummyData from "@goodcastle/reaction-dummy-data/index.js";

// Built-in plugin register calls go here

await registerDummyData(app);

User interface

If you prefer to have a user interface in your reaction-admin rather than making GraphQL calls manually, use this plugin together with reaction-dummy-data-ui.


Once the plugin is registered, you get access to the following GraphQL mutations. Call these from the GraphQL Playground at http://localhost:3000/graphql.

As you can see in the example variables, there is no need to encode the shopId. This is a developer tool, and we want to keep things straightforward.

Create tags and products

mutation loadProductsAndTags($input: LoadProductsAndTagsInput!) {
    loadProductsAndTags(input: $input) {

Call with the following variables:

    "input": {
        "shopId": "kspBu62vAyXnnb2v6",
        "desiredTagCount": 15,
        "desiredProductCount": 20

Add images to all products

mutation loadProductImages($input: LoadProductImagesInput!) {
    loadProductImages(input: $input) {

Call with the following variables:

    "input": {
        "shopId": "kspBu62vAyXnnb2v6"

Create orders

mutation loadOrders($input: LoadOrdersInput!) {
    loadOrders(input: $input) {

Call with the following variables:

    "input": {
        "shopId": "kspBu62vAyXnnb2v6",
        "desiredOrderCount": 15

Remove all data (armageddon)

Beware: this will erase the content of the Products, Catalog, Tags and Orders collections!

mutation removeAllData($input: RemoveDataInput!) {
    removeAllData(input: $input) {

Call with the following variables:

    "input": {
        "shopId": "kspBu62vAyXnnb2v6"


Don't forget to use an Authorization HTTP header to authenticate your API calls. Example:

    "Authorization": "skwL_8jUOkmom7wW_se6_XgfSBtBrUBSR9UL-CUq74A.fwTZ8_G2QTMPf83O6jAOtYxyEU1TYV6spm8abPENutg"

You can get the value for the Authorization header in the reaction-admin UI (http://localhost:4080). By using your browser's network analyzer in the devtools, look for any recent POST call to /graphql or /graphql-beta and copy the value for Authorization in the request headers.

A note on performance

This plugin is a developer tool and hasn't necessarily been built with optimal performance in mind. It will make your GraphQL server hang while generating products, tags, images or orders. These mutations will most likely take time to finish because of the necessary use of many awaits in the code.

We hope that the job-queue plugin will soon be available as an NPM package, enabling us to simply register jobs instead of having so much synchronous code in mutation resolvers. Until then, PRs are obviously welcome to enhance performance!