3.3.6-beta-1 • Published 5 years ago

@goodforonefare/react-graphql v3.3.6-beta-1

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Tools for creating type-safe and asynchronous GraphQL components for React.


$ yarn add @shopify/react-graphql


This library builds on top of react-apollo to provide asynchronously-loaded query components and more strongly-typed queries when used with graphql-typescript-definitions.


react-apollo’s Query component is great, but does not have any built-in understanding of the connection between a GraphQL operation (provided in the query prop) and the data types of the resulting query. This library re-exports a Query component with improved typings. It will automatically read from from the types embedded in the query by graphql-typescript-definitions and use these as appropriate for the rest of the Query component’s props.

import {Query} from '@shopify/react-graphql';
import myQuery from './graphql/MyQuery.graphql';

// Assuming the following GraphQL API:
// type Shop = {
//   id: String!
//   name: String!
// }

// type Query = {
//   shop: Shop!
// }
// and the following query:
// query MyQuery {
//   shop { id }
// }

// Type error because no variables are allowed
<Query query={query} variables={{}}>{() => null}</Query>

// Type error because name was not queried
<Query query={query}>
  {({data}) => {
    return data ? <div>{data.shop.name}</div> : null;


Another problem with the Query component is that it does not work well when trying to preload GraphQL data for another page that is in a different JavaScript bundle. Because the query must be provided directly, there is no easy way to keep it from "leaking" into unrelated bundles.

The createAsyncQueryComponent function is an equally strong-typed alternative to Query that supports asynchronously-loading GraphQL queries. The resulting component also exposes useful Preload, Prefetch, and KeepFresh components built from the query. Best of all, it uses @shopify/react-async under the hood, so you get the same server rendering benefits described in that package.

This function takes an options object with a load property that returns a promise for a GraphQL query:

import {createAsyncQueryComponent} from '@shopify/react-graphql';

const ProductDetailsQuery = createAsyncQueryComponent({
  load: () => import('./graphql/ProductDetailsQuery.graphql'),

As with @shopify/react-async, you can also pass a defer prop that is a member of the DeferTiming enum to force the GraphQL query to resolve later on in its lifecycle:

import {createAsyncQueryComponent, DeferTiming} from '@shopify/react-graphql';

const ProductDetailsQuery = createAsyncQueryComponent({
  load: () => import('./graphql/ProductDetailsQuery.graphql'),
  defer: DeferTiming.Idle,

This component can now be used just like a regular Query component. It accepts all the same props, except that the query (and associated types) are already embedded in it, so those do not need to be provided.

// Assuming the following GraphQL API:
// type Shop = {
//   id: String!
//   name: String!
// }

// type Query = {
//   shop: Shop!
// }
// and the following query:
// query MyQuery {
//   shop { id }
// }

import {createAsyncQueryComponent} from '@shopify/react-graphql';

const MyQuery = createAsyncQueryComponent({
  load: () => import('./graphql/MyQuery.graphql'),

// Will complain if you try to pass any variables, because they aren’t needed.
// Will also complain if you try to reference properties on `data` that are not
// available.
  {({data}) => {
    return data ? <div>{data.shop.id}</div> : null;

As with components created by @shopify/react-async’s createAsyncComponent() function, these queries also have static Preload, Prefetch, and KeepFresh components. Preload will simply load the JavaScript bundle associated with the query. Prefetch will load the JavaScript bundle and load the data (so, if there are any mandatory variables for your query, they will be required when rendering Prefetch). KeepFresh will do the same as Prefetch, but will also poll for the query (you can customize the interval with the pollInterval prop).

const MyQuery = createAsyncQueryComponent({
  load: () => import('./graphql/MyQuery.graphql'),

<MyQuery.Preload />
<MyQuery.Prefetch />
<MyQuery.KeepFresh pollInterval={20_000} />

All components created by this library also reserve an async prop (that is, you can’t have any props on these components also named async). This prop can be used to pass custom instructions to the underlying async loading component.

Currently, this prop is an object with a defer?: DeferTiming property, which changes the default defer behaviour of the component (by default, the Query/ "root" component is not deferred, Preload and KeepFresh are deferred until idle, and Prefetch is deferred until mount).

const MyQuery = createAsyncQueryComponent({
  load: () => import('./graphql/MyQuery.graphql'),

<MyQuery async={{defer: DeferTiming.Mount}} />

// This will force all of these components not to be deferred at all
<MyQuery.Preload async={{defer: undefined}} />
<MyQuery.Prefetch async={{defer: undefined}} />
<MyQuery.KeepFresh pollInterval={20_000} async={{defer: undefined}} />

Using Apollo Hooks

Using Apollo Hooks assume the usage of react-apollo)


Before using the individual hooks, you will need to wrap your application with ApolloProvider at root of your React component tree.

You can it instead of react-apollo's ApolloProvider.

import React from 'react';
import {render} from 'react-dom';

import ApolloClient from 'apollo-client';
import {ApolloProvider} from '@shopify/react-graphql';

const client = new ApolloClient();

function App() {
  return (
    <ApolloProvider client={client}>
      <MyRootComponent />

render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));


useApolloClient hook can be use to access apollo client that is currently in the context. The client returned from hook can than be use to trigger query manually. Read ApolloClient class API for the full list of actions you can perform.

import React from 'react';
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
import {useApolloClient} from '@shopify/react-graphql';
import {Button} from '@shopify/polaris';

const petQuery = gql`
  query PetQuery {
    pets {

function MyComponent() {
  const client = useApolloClient();

  async function fetchPets() {
    try {
      await client.query({
    } catch (error) {
      throw error;

  return <Button onClick={fetchPets}>Fetch Pets</Button>;


This hook accepts two arguments:

  • first argument, a required query document or an AsyncQueryComponent created from createAsyncQueryComponent

  • second argument, a optional set of options with the following type definition.

interface QueryHookOptions<Variables = OperationVariables> {
  ssr?: boolean;
  variables?: Variables;
  fetchPolicy?: FetchPolicy | WatchQueryFetchPolicy;
  errorPolicy?: ErrorPolicy;
  pollInterval?: number;
  client?: ApolloClient<any>;
  notifyOnNetworkStatusChange?: boolean;
  context?: Context;
  skip?: boolean;

The hook result is an object with the type definition of:

interface QueryHookResult<Data, Variables> {
  client: ApolloClient<any>;
  data: Data | undefined;
  error?: ApolloError;
  loading: boolean;
  startPolling(pollInterval: number): void;
  stopPolling(): void;
  subscribeToMore<SubscriptionData = Data>(
    options: SubscribeToMoreOptions<Data, Variables, SubscriptionData>,
  ): () => void;
    mapFn: (
      previousQueryResult: Data,
      options: UpdateQueryOptions<Variables>,
    ) => Data,
  ): void;
  refetch(variables?: Variables): Promise<ApolloQueryResult<Data>>;
  networkStatus: NetworkStatus | undefined;
  variables: Variables | undefined;

Querying with a query document

Below is an example of how to use useQuery with a query document.

import React from 'react';
import {useQuery} from '@shopify/react-graphql';

import customerListQuery from './graphql/CustomerListQuery.graphql';

function CustomerList() {
  const {data, loading} = useQuery(customerListQuery);
  if (loading) {
    return <div>Loading...</div>;

  const customers = data && data.customers ? data.customers : [];
  return (
      {customers.map(customer => (
        <li key={customer.id}>{customer.displayName}</li>

Querying with AsyncQueryComponent

Below is an example using useQuery with an AsyncQueryComponent created from createAsyncQueryComponent.

import React from 'react';
import {createAsyncQueryComponent, useQuery} from '@shopify/react-graphql';

const CustomerListQuery = createAsyncQueryComponent({
  load: () => import('./graphql/CustomerListQuery.graphql'),

function CustomerList() {
  const {data, loading} = useQuery(CustomerListQuery);
  if (loading) {
    return <div>Loading...</div>;

  const customers = data && data.customers ? data.customers : [];
  return (
      {customers.map(customer => (
        <li key={customer.id}>{customer.displayName}</li>


This hook accepts two arguments: the mutation document, and optionally, a set of options to pass to the underlying mutation. It will return a function that will trigger the mutation when invoked.

Note the set of options can be pass directly into the hook, or pass in while triggering the mutation function. If options exist in both places, they will be shallowly merge together with per-mutate options being the priority.

import React from 'react';
import {Form, TextField, Button, Banner} from '@shopify/polaris';
import {useQuery} from '@shopify/react-graphql';

import createCustomerMutation from './graphql/CreateCustomerMutation.graphql';

function CustomerDetail() {
  const [name, setName] = React.useState('');
  const createCustomer = useMutation(createCustomerMutation, {
    fetchPolicy: 'network-only',

  async function handleFormSubmit() {
    try {
      await createCustomer({
        variables: {name},

      // do something when the mutation is successful
    } catch (error) {
      // do something when the mutation fails

  return (
    <Form onSubmit={handleCreateCustomer}>
      <TextField label="Name" value={name} onChange={(value) => {
      <Button submit>
        Create Customer