0.1.9 • Published 4 years ago

@graphapps/apoc v0.1.9

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Last release
4 years ago

APOC Documentation App

This repository takes the HTML files generated as part of the APOC Manual generation process and makes it available offline as a Graph App. The Graph App also provides additional functionaliy


To install this repository as a Graph App, you can click here or paste the following link into the Install form at the bottom of the Graph Apps pane in Neo4j Desktop.


The manual can be viewed in it's original form at https://neo4j.com/docs/labs/apoc/current/

How I Built It

This is a Vue.js project created using @vue/cli. The app uses the fetch API to load in the generated TOC from the Manual and displays it in a menu on the left hand side. When any of the links are clicked, a component uses fetch to load the file into a "virtual" DOM.

Then any link click events are highjacked so the events are passed through to the vue router.

The code highlighting is then applied to any <code> blocks, and a <div> is prepended to each code block with a set of actions for that code block.

If a code block contains cypher, a button is added which redirects the user to a Deep Link for Neo4j Desktop which instructs it to open Neo4j Browser with the query pre-populated.



neo4j-desktop://graphapps/neo4j-browser?arg=edit&cmd=MATCH (n) RETURN count(n)

Tech Stack

  • Vue.js & Vue Router
  • Tailwind & PostCSS for a utility-based styling approach
  • Deep links to Neo4j Browser via Neo4j Desktop
  • HighlightJS for syntax highlighting
  • Elasticlunr for Full Text search
  • Cypress for testing