0.0.6 • Published 4 years ago

@grobapp/hookstore v0.0.6

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4 years ago

What is HookStore?

HookStore is an opinionated framework for global state management in your React app. It's based on React Hooks and a reducer concept.

When should I use it?

Usually, you can avoid using global state in a React app with a clever design. Sometimes though, global state might make things easier or you don't really have a choice. That's when HookStore comes into play. The goal of HookStore is to give you an easy and fast way for global state management.

There are already frameworks like Redux. Why should I use HookStore instead?

Redux and other popular frameworks are battle-tested and have proved many times that they are capable of handling complex global states of huge React apps. But sometimes using Redux feels like bringing a nuke to an argument with your neighbor. HookStore is aimed for exactly these situations. You probably won't use it with monstrose React app but it might be just what you need for your small to medium sized React app. You can look at HookStore as a poor Redux cousin.

HookStore is an opinionated framework and was developed with the following ideas in mind:

  • You shouldn't need to spend multiple days reading docs before you are able to use HookStore.
  • You are using functional components and hooks in your React app.
  • The definition of a global state and operations on it should be in the same place for better reasoning and faster navigation.
  • It should be straightforward to understand how your global state works.
  • You should write only the minimal required code.



npm install @grobapp/hookstore


yarn add @grobapp/hookstore


The main concept of HookStore is a selector. Selector is a pair of getter and setter. It describes how you retrieve and save data in the global state.

Let's say we are building a todo app. We want to keep our tasks in the global state. This is how you'd achieve that with HookStore.

  1. In your index.tsx, wrap the whole app the HookStore's provider. Without this, you can't use HookStore in the lower components.
// Inside the index.tsx file.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import './index.css';
import App from './App';

// The HookStore's provider that makes sure you can use HookStore in your components.
import HookStoreProvider from '@grobapp/hookstore';

    <App />
  1. Create a separate task.store.ts file.
  2. Define types for the Task item and for a slice of the global state. The slice describes everything we need for our tasks.
// Inside the task.store.ts file.

import { createSlice } from '@grobapp/hookstore';

export interface Task {
  id: string;
  title: string;
  isCompleted: boolean;

// Our slice is fairly simple for now.
interface TasksSlice {
  tasks: Task[];

function initialTasksState(): TasksSlice {
  return {
    tasks: [],

// Here we tell HookStore to create a slice of the global state that describes our tasks.
// The first parameter is a name of the slice and the second parameter is the initial state of the slice.
const tasks = createSlice('tasks', initialTasksState());
  1. Define selectors.
// Inside the task.store.ts file.

// Previous code

const tasks = createSlice('tasks', initialTasksState());

// This a selector.
// It has two functions as parameters - getter and setter.
// Getter describes how to retrieve data from the slice.
// Seter describes how to add new data to the slice.
export const selectTasks = tasks.createSelector<Task[], Task>(
  // Getter.
  // Automatically gets passed the slice we defined and returns Task[].
  slice => slice.tasks,

  // Setter.
  // Automatically gets passed the slice we defined earlier as the first argument.
  // The second argument is a value passed by a developer. Here it's Task.
  // Setter must return a new version of the slice.
  (slice, newTask) => ({
    tasks: [...slice.tasks, newTask],
  1. Access global state in the component.
// Inside the Tasks.tsx file.

import { useStore } from '@grobapp/hookstore';
import { selectTasks, Task } from './tasks.store';

function Tasks() {
  // Here we pass the imported selector to the HookStore's hook.
  // It returns two values.
  // The first one is exactly what returns the getter we defined earlier.
  // The second one is a slightly adjusted version of the setter we defined earlier that takes
  // a single argument of a new Task.
  const [allTasks, addNewTask] = useStore(selectTasks);

  function handleButtonClick() {
    const newTask: Task = {
      id: `${Math.random()}`,
      title: 'Task - ' + new Date().toISOString(),
      isCompleted: Math.random() > 0.5,
    // Here we're using the getter to add a new task to the global state.

  return (
      <button onClick={handleButtonClick}>Add task</button>

      <h2>All tasks</h2>
      <div style={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column' }}>
        {allTasks.map(t => (
          <div key={t.id}>

export default Tasks;

4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago