0.3.1 • Published 8 months ago

@gulujs/readdirp v0.3.1

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8 months ago


Recursive version of fs.readdir. Exposes a stream API and a promise API.


npm install @gulujs/readdirp


import { readdirp } from '@gulujs/readdirp';

// Use streams to achieve small RAM & CPU footprint.
// 1) Streams example with for-await.
for await (const entry of readdirp('.')) {
  const { path } = entry;
  console.log(`${JSON.stringify({ path })}`);

// 2) Streams example, non for-await.
// Print out all JS files along with their size within the current folder & subfolders.
readdirp('.', { fileFilter: '*.js', alwaysStat: true })
  .on('data', (entry) => {
    const { path, stats: { size } } = entry;
    console.log(`${JSON.stringify({ path, size })}`);
  // Optionally call stream.destroy() in `warn()` in order to abort and cause 'close' to be emitted
  .on('warn', error => console.error('non-fatal error', error))
  .on('error', error => console.error('fatal error', error))
  .on('end', () => console.log('done'));

// 3) Promise example. More RAM and CPU than streams / for-await.
const files = await readdirp('.');
console.log(files.map(file => file.path));

For more examples, check out examples directory.


Default Options

  root: '.',
  fileFilter: () => true,
  directoryFilter: () => true,
  filterEntryKey: 'basename',
  type: FILE_TYPE,
  lstat: false,
  depth: 0x80000000,
  alwaysStat: false,
  suppressNormalFlowError: true


Path in which to start reading and recursing into subdirectories.


Filter to include or exclude files. A Function, Glob string or Array of glob strings.

  • Function: a function that takes an entry info as a parameter and returns true to include or false to exclude the entry
  • Glob string: a string (e.g., *.js) which is matched using picomatch, so go there for more information. Globstars (**) are also supported, but it is recommended to set filterEntryKey to 'path' or 'fullPath'. Negated globs (as explained in the minimatch documentation) are allowed, e.g., !*.txt matches everything but text files.
  • Array of glob strings: either need to be all inclusive or all exclusive (negated) patterns otherwise an error is thrown. ['*.json', '*.js'] includes all JavaScript and Json files. ['!.git', '!node_modules'] includes all directories except the '.git' and 'node_modules'.
  • Directories that do not pass a filter will not be recursed into.


Filter to include/exclude directories found and to recurse into. Directories that do not pass a filter will not be recursed into.


When fileFilter and directoryFilter is glob string, use which entry value ('basename' or 'path' or 'fullPath') to test. Default is 'basename'.

  • 'basename' is the last portion of a 'path'.
  • 'path' is a relative path based on root.
      • 'fullPath' is an absolute path.


Determines if data events on the stream should be emitted for 'files' (default), 'directories', 'files_directories', or 'all'. Setting to 'all' will also include entries for other types of file descriptors like character devices, unix sockets and named pipes.


Include symlink entries in the stream along with files. When true, fs.lstat would be used instead of fs.stat


Depth at which to stop recursing even if more subdirectories are found


Always return stats property for every file. Default is false, readdirp will return Dirent entries. Setting it to true can double readdir execution time - use it only when you need file size, mtime etc.


Normal flow error includes 'ENOENT', 'EPERM', 'EACCES', 'ELOOP', 'READDIRP_RECURSIVE_ERROR', will emit as 'warn' event. Default is true Setting it to false will emit these error as 'error' event


Forked from paulmillr/readdirp.
