0.0.3 • Published 2 years ago
@habeetat/jrpc-client v0.0.3
JRPC-Client is a simple JSON-RPC 2.0 client for node.js and browser, developed in typescript for work synergy with JRPC-Server.
npm i @habeetat/jrpc-client
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How to use
export interface TestServerRpcMethods {
* say hi
hi(person: { name: string, bithday: Date }): Promise<string>;
* sum two numbers
sum(a: number, b: number): Promise<number>;
* get all todos
getTodos(): Promise<{ id: number, text: string, completed: boolean }[]>;
(async () => {
const resolver = async (url: string, data: string, resolve: (result: any) => void) => {
console.log(`send to ${url} data ${data}`);
const client = new RpcClient<TestServerRpcMethods>("http://localhost:3000/rpc", resolver);
const proxy = client.createProxy();
const result = await proxy.hi({ name: "John", bithday: new Date() });